Friction Angle
Use this tool to calculate and visualize friction angle.
About Friction Angle
Friction angle together with cohesion define the shear strength parameters of soil. For granular / cohesionless soil (c = 0) friction angle is mainly estimated either from laboratory tests or from correlations with N SPT number.
There are many correlations to estimate friction angle for granular material from N SPT values. They are based on the uncorrected N SPT (field measurements) or based on the corrected (N1)60 value.

Method 1 : Peck, Hanson and Thornburn (1974)
Note: Above an N SPT of 60 values are reduced to a more conservative estimate of
friction angles.
Method 2 : Defines friction angle from CIRIA Report 143 (1995) after Peck, Hanson and Thornburn.
Method 3 : Defines friction angle as per Terzaghi, Peck & Mersi (1996). Three curves are presented for fine, coarse
and average soil particles.
Method 4 : Defines friction angle as per Meyerhof (1986).
Method 5 : Defines friction angle as per Dunham (1954).
\( ϕ′=\sqrt{12N}+20\)
Method 6 : Defines friction angle as per Osaki et al. (1959)

Typical friction angle values and density versus N SPT number are presented in a tabulated format at table below:
N value (blows/ft or 305 mm) |
Relative Density |
Approximate \(ϕ′_{tc}\)(degrees) | |
Method 1 | Method 4 | ||
0 to 4 | very loose | < 28 | < 30 |
4 to 10 | loose | 28 to 30 | 30 to 35 |
10 to 30 | medium | 30 to 36 | 35 to 40 |
30 to 50 | dense | 36 to 41 | 40 to 45 |
> 50 | very dense | > 41 | > 45 |
- Terzaghi, K. and Peck, R.B. (1967) Soil Mechanics in Engineering Practice. John Wiley & Sons, New York.
- Peck, R.B., Hanson, W.E., and Thornburn, T.H., (1974), “Foundation Engineering”, John Wiley & Sons, 514p.
- Meyerhof, G.G., (1956), “Penetration Tests and Bearing Capacity of Cohesionless Soils”, Jnl. Soil Mech. & Found. Div., ASCE, Vol. 82, No. SM1.
- EPRI EL-6800, Project 1493-6, Final Report, Aug 1990, Manual on Estimating Soil Properties for Foundation Design.
- CIRIA Report 143, 1995, The Standard Penetration Test (SPT): Methods and Use.
Activated ags files
# | Project | Ags Name | Method | Actions |
SN | Method | NSPT Value | Friction Angleo |