Abbreviations used across the geotechnical field.
General lists of abbreviations
List | Definition |
N SPT | Standard penetration test number |
N60 | Corrected field N SPT value (based on energy) |
(N1)60 | N60 value corrected for overburden factor |
TCR | Total core recovery |
SCR | Solid core recovery |
RQD | Rock quality designation |
CL | Chloride concentration |
PH | pH number or acidity |
SC | Sulphate content |
LL | Liquid limit |
PL | Plastic limit |
PI | Plasticity index |
UCS | Uniaxial compressive strength of rocks |
BGL | Below ground level |
EGL | Existing ground level |
GWL | Groundwater level |
WL or WT | Water level or water table |
CPT | Cone penetration test |
AGS file Abbreviations (Groups and Headings)
List | Definition |
PROJ_ID | Project identifier |
PROJ_NAME | Project title |
PROJ_LOC | Location of site |
PROJ_CLNT | Client name |
PROJ_CONT | Contractors name |
PROJ_ENG | Project Engineer |
PROJ_MEMO | General project comments |
ABBR_HDNG | Field heading in group |
ABBR_CODE | Abbreviation used |
ABBR_DESC | Description of abbreviation |
ABBR_LIST | Source of abbreviation |
ABBR_REM | Remarks |
DICT_GRP | Group name |
DICT_HDNG | Heading name (Note: This data is REQUIRED DICT_TYPE=""HEADING"") |
DICT_STAT | Heading status KEY, REQUIRED or OTHER (Note: This data is REQUIRED where DICT_TYPE=""HEADING"") |
DICT_DTYP | Type of data and format (Note: This data is REQUIRED DICT_TYPE=""HEADING"") |
DICT_DESC | Description |
DICT_UNIT | Units (Note: This data is REQUIRED DICT_TYPE=""HEADING"") |
DICT_EXMP | Example |
DICT_PGRP | Parent group name (Note: This data is REQUIRED DICT_TYPE=""GROUP"") |
DICT_REM | Remarks |
FILE_NAME | File name |
FILE_DESC | Description of content |
FILE_TYPE | File type |
FILE_PROG | Parent program and version number |
FILE_DOCT | Document type |
FILE_DATE | File date |
FILE_REM | Comments on file |
TRAN_ISNO | Issue sequence reference |
TRAN_DATE | Date of production of data file |
TRAN_PROD | Data file producer |
TRAN_STAT | Status of data within submission |
TRAN_DESC | Description of data transferred |
TRAN_AGS | AGS Edition Reference |
TRAN_RECV | Data file recipient |
TRAN_DLIM | Record Link data type Delimiter |
TRAN_RCON | Concatenator |
TRAN_REM | Remarks |
TYPE_TYPE | Data type code |
TYPE_DESC | Description |
UNIT_UNIT | Unit |
UNIT_DESC | Description |
UNIT_REM | Remarks |
SAMP_REF | Sample reference |
SAMP_TYPE | Sample type |
SAMP_ID | Sample unique identifier |
SPEC_REF | Specimen reference |
SPEC_DPTH | Depth to top of test specimen |
SPEC_DESC | Specimen description |
SPEC_PREP | Details of specimen preparation including time between preparation and testing |
AAVT_AAV | Aggregate Abrasion Value |
AAVT_REM | Remarks |
AAVT_METH | Test method |
AAVT_LAB | Name of testing laboratory/organization |
AAVT_CRED | Accrediting body and reference number (when appropriate) |
AAVT_DEV | Deviation from the specified procedure |
LOCA_ID | Location identifier |
SAMP_TOP | Depth to top of sample |
ACVT_ACV | Aggregate Crushing Value |
ACVT_FRAC | Size fraction from which test portion was obtained |
ACVT_REM | Remarks |
ACVT_METH | Test method |
ACVT_LAB | Name of testing laboratory/organization |
ACVT_CRED | Accrediting body and reference number (when appropriate) |
ACVT_DEV | Deviation from the specified procedure |
WSTG_DPTH | Depth to water strike |
WSTD_NMIN | Minutes after strike |
WSTD_POST | Depth to water after WSTD_NMIN minutes |
WSTD_REM | Remarks |
WSTG_DTIM | Date and time of water strike |
WSTG_SEAL | Depth at which water strike sealed by casing |
WSTG_CAS | Casing depth at time of water strike |
WSTG_REM | Remarks |
WINS_TESN | Sampler run reference |
WINS_TOP | Top of sampling run |
WINS_BASE | Base of sampling run |
WINS_DIAM | Internal diameter of sampler |
WINS_DURN | Duration of sampling run |
WINS_REC | Sample recovery |
WINS_REM | Remarks about sampling run |
WGPG_ID | Test reference |
WGPG_TOOL | Tool used |
WGPT_PARA | Parameter recorded by tool WGPG_TOOL |
WGPT_UNIT | Test result units |
WGPT_DPTH | Depth of reading |
WGPT_RDNG | Reading |
WGPT_CAS | Borehole casing details at depth of reading |
WGPT_REM | Remarks |
WGPG_DATE | Test date |
WGPG_STRT | Test start depth |
WGPG_STOP | Test stop depth |
WGPG_WAT | Depth of water in borehole |
WGPG_DETL | Details of instrument |
WGPG_BHD | Depth of borehole |
WGPG_REM | Remarks |
WGPG_ENV | Details of weather and environmental conditions during test |
WGPG_METH | Measurement method |
WGPG_CONT | Contractor who undertook testing |
WGPG_CRED | Accrediting body and reference number (Where appropriate) |
WGPG_STAT | Test status |
WETH_TOP | Depth to top of weathering subdivision |
WETH_BASE | Depth to base of weathering subdivision |
WETH_SCH | Weathering scheme |
WETH_SYS | Material or mass weathering system |
WETH_WETH | Weathering classifier for WETH_SCH and WETH_SYS |
WETH_REM | Remarks |
WADD_REM | Remarks related to addition of water requirements, method |
WADD_TOP | Depth to top of reported section |
WADD_BASE | Depth to base of reported section |
WADD_VOLM | Amount of water added |
WADD_METH | Boring/drilling method associated with addition of water (HDPH_TYPE abbreviation) |
TRIT_TESN | Triaxial test/stage reference |
TRIT_SDIA | Specimen diameter |
TRIT_SLEN | Specimen length |
TRIT_IMC | Specimen initial water/moisture content |
TRIT_FMC | Specimen final water/moisture content |
TRIT_CELL | Total cell pressure |
TRIT_DEVF | Corrected deviator stress at failure |
TRIT_BDEN | Initial bulk density |
TRIT_DDEN | Initial dry density |
TRIT_STRN | Axial strain at failure |
TRIT_CU | Undrained Shear Strength at failure |
TRIT_MODE | Mode of failure |
TRIT_REM | Comments |
TRIT_FZWC | Failure zone water content, if measured |
TRIT_RATE | Mean rate of shear |
TRIG_TYPE | Test type |
TRIG_COND | Sample condition |
TRIG_REM | Remarks including commentary on effect of specimen disturbance on test result |
TRIG_METH | Test method |
TRIG_LAB | Name of testing laboratory/organization |
TRIG_CRED | Accrediting body and reference number (when appropriate) |
TRIG_DEV | Deviation from the specified procedure |
TREM_DTIM | Date and time of remark or start of event |
TREM_COMP | Component or sub-activity |
TREM_REM | Time related remark |
TREM_DURN | Duration of event or activity |
TREM_ETIM | Date and time of end of event |
TRET_TESN | Triaxial test/stage number |
TRET_SDIA | Specimen diameter |
TRET_LEN | Specimen length |
TRET_IMC | Specimen initial water/moisture content |
TRET_FMC | Specimen final water/moisture content |
TRET_BDEN | Initial bulk density |
TRET_DDEN | Initial dry density |
TRET_SAT | Method of saturation |
TRET_CONS | Details of consolidation stage |
TRET_CONP | Effective stress at end of consolidation/start of shear stage |
TRET_CELL | Total cell pressure during shearing stage |
TRET_PWPI | Porewater pressure at start of shear stage |
TRET_STRR | Rate of axial strain during shear |
TRET_STRN | Axial strain at failure |
TRET_DEVF | Deviator stress at failure |
TRET_PWPF | Porewater pressure at failure |
TRET_STV | Volumetric strain at failure (drained only) |
TRET_MODE | Mode of failure |
TRET_REM | Comments |
TRET_BACK | Final back pressure applied prior to shearing |
TRET_VERT | Vertical strain at end of consolidation |
TRET_VOLM | Volumetric strain at end of consolidation |
TRET_RATE | Rate of volumetric strain immediately prior to shearing |
TRET_BVAL | Final B-value prior to shearing |
TRET_DRN | Type of drainage conditions during shear |
TRET_MEMB | Membrane corrections applied at failure |
TRET_FILC | Filter paper corrections applied at failure |
TRET_IVR | Initial voids ratio |
TRET_SATR | Saturation percentage |
TRET_CVP | Effective vertical pressure at end of consolidation |
TRET_CRP | Effective radial pressure at end of consolidation |
TRET_MEAN | Peak mean effective stress during shear |
TRET_CU | Undrained shear strength at failure |
TRET_EP50 | Strain at 50% peak deviator stress |
TRET_E50 | Secant modulus at 50% peak deviator stress |
TNPC_DEV | Deviation from the specified procedure |
TREG_DEV | Any deviation from the procedure or specified test conditions |
TREG_TYPE | Test type |
TREG_COND | Sample condition |
TREG_COH | Cohesion intercept associated with TREG_PHI |
TREG_PHI | Angle of friction for effective shear strength triaxial test |
TREG_FCR | Failure criterion |
TREG_REM | Remarks including commentary on effect of specimen disturbance on test result |
TREG_METH | Test method |
TREG_LAB | Name of testing laboratory/organization |
TREG_CRED | Accrediting body and reference number (when appropriate) |
TEST_STAT | Test status |
PROJ | Project Information |
ABBR | Abbreviation Definitions |
DICT | User Defined Groups and Headings |
FILE | Associated Files |
TRAN | Data File Transmission Information / Data Status |
TYPE | Definition of Data Types |
UNIT | Definition of Units |
AAVT | Aggregate Abrasion Tests |
ACVT | Aggregate Crushing Value Tests |
AELO | Aggregate Elongation Index Tests |
AFLK | Aggregate Flakiness Tests |
AIVT | Aggregate Impact Value Tests |
ALOS | Los Angeles Abrasion Tests |
APSV | Aggregate Polished Stone Tests |
ARTW | Aggregate Determination of the Resistance to Wear (micro-Deval) |
ASDI | Slake Durability Index Tests |
ASNS | Aggregate Soundness Tests |
AWAD | Aggregate Water Absorption Tests |
BKFL | Exploratory Hole Backfill Details |
CBRG | California Bearing Ratio Tests – General |
CBRT | California Bearing Ratio Tests - Data |
CDIA | Casing Diameter by Depth |
CHIS | Chiselling Details |
CHOC | Chain of Custody Information |
CMPG | Compaction Tests - General |
CMPT | Compaction Tests - Data |
CONG | Consolidation Tests - General |
CONS | Consolidation Tests - Data |
CORE | Coring Information |
CTRC | Cyclic Triaxial Tests - Consolidation |
CTRD | Cyclic Triaxial Tests - Data |
CTRG | Cyclic Triaxial Test - General |
CTRP | Cyclic Triaxial Test - Derived Parameters |
CTRS | Cyclic Triaxial Tests - Saturation |
DCPG | Dynamic Cone Penetrometer Tests – General |
DCPT | Dynamic Cone Penetrometer Tests – Data |
DETL | Stratum Detail Descriptions |
DISC | Discontinuity Data |
DLOG | Driller Geological Description |
DOBS | Drilling/Advancement Observations & Parameters |
DPRG | Dynamic Probe Tests - General |
DPRB | Dynamic Probe Tests - Data |
DREM | Depth Related Remarks |
ECTN | Sample Container Details |
ELRG | Environmental Laboratory Reporting |
ERES | Environmental Contaminant Testing |
ESCG | Effective Stress Consolidation Tests – General |
ESCT | Effective Stress Consolidation Tests - Data |
FGHG | Field Geohydraulic Testing - General |
FGHI | Field Geohydraulic Testing - Instrumentation Details |
FGHS | Field Geohydraulic Testing - Test Results (per stage) |
FGHT | Field Geohydraulic Testing - Test Results |
FLSH | Drilling Flush Details |
FRAC | Fracture Spacing |
FRST | Frost Susceptibility Tests |
GCHM | Geotechnical Chemistry Testing |
GEOL | Field Geological Descriptions |
GRAG | Particle Size Distribution Analysis - General |
GRAT | Particle Size Distribution Analysis - Data |
HDIA | Hole Diameter by Depth |
HDPH | Depth Related Exploratory Hole Information |
HORN | Exploratory Hole Orientation and Inclination |
ICBR | In Situ California Bearing Ratio Tests |
IDEN | In Situ Density Tests |
IFID | On Site Volatile Headspace Testing Using Flame Ionisation Detector |
IPEN | In Situ Hand Penetrometer Tests |
IPID | On Site Volatile Headspace Testing by Photo Ionisation Detector |
IPRG | In Situ Permeability Tests - General |
IPRT | In Situ Permeability Tests - Data |
IRDX | In Situ Redox Tests |
IRES | In Situ Resistivity Tests |
ISAG | Soakaway Tests - General |
ISAT | Soakaway Tests - Data |
ISPT | Standard Penetration Test Results |
IVAN | In Situ Vane Tests |
LBSG | Testing Schedule |
LBST | Testing Schedule Details |
LDEN | Density Tests |
LDYN | Dynamic Testing |
LFCN | Laboratory Fall Cone Test |
LLIN | Linear Shrinkage Tests |
LLPL | Liquid and Plastic Limit Tests |
LNMC | Water/moisture Content Tests |
LOCA | Location Details |
LPDN | Particle Density Tests |
LPEN | Laboratory Hand Penetrometer Tests |
LRES | Laboratory Resistivity Tests |
LSLT | Shrinkage Limit Tests |
LSTG | Initial Consumption of Lime Tests - General |
LSTT | Initial Consumption of Lime Tests - Data |
LSWL | Swelling Index Testing |
LTCH | Laboratory Thermal Conductivity |
LUCT | Laboratory Unconfined Compression Test |
LVAN | Laboratory Vane Tests |
MCVG | MCV Tests - General |
MCVT | MCV Tests - Data |
MOND | Monitoring Readings |
MONG | Monitoring Installations and Instruments |
PIPE | Monitoring Installation Pipe Work |
PLTG | Plate Loading Tests - General |
PLTT | Plate Loading Tests - Data |
PMTD | Pressuremeter Test Data |
PMTG | Pressuremeter Test Results - General |
PMTL | Pressuremeter Test Results - Individual Loops |
PREM | Project Specific Time Related Remarks |
PTIM | Boring/Drilling Progress by Time |
PTST | Laboratory Permeability Tests |
PUMG | Pumping Tests - General |
PUMT | Pumping Tests - Data |
RCAG | Rock Abrasiveness Tests - General |
RCAT | Rock Abrasiveness Tests - Data |
RCCV | Chalk Crushing Value Tests |
RDEN | Rock Porosity and Density Tests |
RELD | Relative Density Tests |
RESC | Resonant Column Test - Consolidation |
RESD | Resonant Column Test - Data |
RESG | Resonant Column Test – General |
RESP | Resonant Column Test - Derived Parameters |
RESS | Resonant Column Test - Saturation |
RPLT | Point Load Testing |
RSCH | Schmidt Rebound Hardness Tests |
RSHR | Shore Scleroscope Hardness Tests |
RTEN | Tensile Strength Testing |
RUCS | Rock Uniaxial Compressive Strength and Deformability Tests |
RWCO | Water Content of Rock Tests |
SAMP | Sample Information |
SCDG | Static Cone Dissipation Tests - General |
SCDT | Static Cone Dissipation Tests - Data |
SCPG | Static Cone Penetration Tests - General |
SCPP | Static Cone Penetration Tests - Derived Parameters |
SCPP_BASE | Depth to base of layer |
SCPP_REF | Interpretation reference |
SCPP_REM | Remarks |
SCPP_CSBT | Interpreted Soil Type |
SCPP_CSU | Undrained Shear Strength (Su); fine soils only |
SCPP_CRD | Relative density (Dr); coarse soils only |
SCPP_CPHI | Internal Friction Angle; coarse soils only |
SCPP_CIC | Soil Behaviour Type Index (Ic) |
SCPP_CSPT | Equivalent SPT N60 value |
SCDT_PWP3 | Top of sleeve porewater pressure (u3) |
SCDT_REM | Comments |
SCPG_TYPE | Cone test type |
SCPG_REF | Cone reference |
SCPG_CSA | Surface area of cone tip |
SCPG_RATE | Nominal rate of penetration of the cone |
SCPG_FILT | Type of filter material used |
SCPG_FRIC | Friction reducer used |
SCPG_WAT | Groundwater level at time of test |
SCPG_WATA | Origin of water level in SCPG_WAT |
SCPG_REM | Comments on testing and basis of any interpreted parameters included in SCPT and SCPP |
SCPG_ENV | Details of weather and environmental conditions during test |
SCPG_CONT | Subcontractors name |
SCPG_METH | Standard followed for testing |
SCPG_CRED | Accrediting body and reference number (when appropriate) |
SCPG_CAR | Cone area ratio used to calculate qt |
SCPG_SLAR | Sleeve area ratio used to calculate ft |
SCDT_PWP1 | Face porewater pressure (u1) |
SCDT_PWP2 | Shoulder porewater pressure (u2) |
SCDG_DPTH | Depth of dissipation test |
SCDG_PWPI | Measured or assumed initial pore water pressure |
SCDG_PWPE | Measured or assumed equilibrium pore water pressure |
SCDG_DDIS | Degree of dissipation for analysis |
SCDG_T | Time to achieve degree of dissipation stated in SCDG_DDIS |
SCDG_CV | Coefficient of consolidation (vertical) |
SCDG_CVMT | Method(s) used to determine vertical coefficient of consolidation |
SCDG_CH | Coefficient of consolidation (horizontal) |
SCDG_CHMT | Method(s) used to determine horizontal coefficient of consolidation |
SCDG_REM | Remarks |
SAMP_REM | Sample remarks |
SAMP_DESC | Sample/specimen description |
SAMP_DESD | Date sample described |
SAMP_LOG | Person responsible sample/specimen description for |
SAMP_COND | Condition and representativeness of sample |
SAMP_TEMP | Sample temperature at time sampling of |
SAMP_ETIM | Date and time sampling completed |
SAMP_LINK | Sample record link |
SAMP_FLOW | Gas flow rate |
SAMP_DURN | Sampling duration |
GEOL_STAT | Stratum reference shown on trial pit or traverse sketch |
SCDT_SECS | Seconds elapsed since start of test |
SAMP_BASE | Depth to base of sample |
SAMP_UBLO | Number of blows required to drive sampler |
SAMP_SDIA | Sample diameter |
SAMP_RECV | Percentage of sample recovered |
SAMP_MATX | Sample matrix |
SAMP_CLSS | Sample classification as required by EN ISO 14688-1 |
SAMP_BAR | Barometric pressure at time sampling of |
SAMP_PRES | Gas pressure (above barometric) |
SAMP_CAPT | Caption used to describe sample |
FILE_FSET | Associated file reference (e.g. sampling field sheets, sample description records) |
SAMP_RECL | Length of sample recovered |
SCDT_RES | Cone resistance |
SAMP_DTIM | Date and time sample taken |
SAMP_CONT | Sample container |
SAMP_PREP | Details of sample preparation at time of sampling |
SAMP_WDEP | Depth to water below ground surface at time of sampling |
SAMP_TECH | Sampling technique/method |
SAMP_TYPC | Sample QA type (Normal, blank or spike) |
SAMP_WHO | Sampler's initials or name |
SAMP_WHY | Reason for sampling |
RWCO_MC | Water content |
RWCO_TEMP | Temperature sample dried at |
RWCO_REM | Remarks |
RWCO_METH | Test method |
RWCO_LAB | Name of testing laboratory/organization |
RWCO_CRED | Accrediting body and reference number (when appropriate) |
RWCO_DEV | Deviation from the specified procedure |
RUCS_SDIA | Specimen diameter |
RUCS_LEN | Specimen length |
RUCS_MC | Water content of specimen tested |
RUCS_COND | Condition of specimen as tested |
RUCS_DURN | Test duration |
RUCS_STRA | Stress rate |
RUCS_UCS | Uniaxial compressive strength |
RUCS_MODE | Mode of failure |
RUCS_E | Young's modulus (GPa) |
RUCS_MU | Poisson's ratio (2DP) |
RUCS_ESTR | Stress level at which modulus has been measured |
RUCS_ETYP | Method of determination of Young's modulus (PA) |
RUCS_MACH | Type of testing machine |
RUCS_REM | Remarks |
RUCS_METH | Test method |
RUCS_LAB | Name of testing laboratory/organization |
RUCS_CRED | Accrediting body and reference number (when appropriate) |
RUCS_DEV | Deviation from the specified procedure |
RUCS_ESEC | Young's modulus, secant |
RUCS_ETAN | Young's modulus, tangent |
RUCS_EAVG | Young's modulus, average (mean) |
RUCS_SSEC | Stress level at which secant Young's modulus has been measured |
RUCS_STAN | Stress level at which tangent Young's modulus has been measured |
RUCS_SAVG | Stress level at which average (mean) Young's modulus has been measured |
RUCS_MUS | Poisson's ratio, secant |
RUCS_MUT | Poisson's ratio, tangent |
RUCS_MUAV | Poisson's ratio, average (mean) |
RTEN_SDIA | Specimen diameter |
RTEN_LEN | Specimen thickness |
RTEN_MC | Water content of test specimen |
RTEN_COND | Condition of specimen as tested |
RTEN_DURN | Test duration |
RTEN_STRA | Stress rate |
RTEN_TENS | Tensile strength |
RTEN_MODE | Mode of failure |
RTEN_MACH | Testing machine |
RTEN_REM | Remarks |
RTEN_METH | Test method |
RTEN_LAB | Name of testing laboratory/organization |
RTEN_CRED | Accrediting body and reference number |
RTEN_DEV | Deviation from the specified procedure |
RSHR_SHOR | Average Shore hardness value |
RSHR_AXIS | Orientation of the test surface relative to bedding |
RSHR_NUM | Number of tests conducted |
RSHR_REM | Remarks |
RSHR_METH | Test method |
RSHR_LAB | Name of testing laboratory/organization |
RSHR_CRED | Accrediting body and reference number |
RSHR_DEV | Deviation from the specified procedure |
RPLT_PLS | Uncorrected point load (Is) |
RPLT_PLSI | Size corrected point load index (Is 50) |
RPLT_PLTF | Point load test type |
RPLT_MC | Water content of point load test specimen |
RPLT_REM | Remarks |
RPLT_METH | Test method |
RPLT_LAB | Name of testing laboratory/organization |
RPLT_CRED | Accrediting body and reference number |
RPLT_DEV | Deviation from the specified procedure |
RSCH_SCHV | Schmidt hardness value |
RSCH_AXIS | Orientation of the hammer axis in the test from horizontal (positive numbers downwards and negative numbers upward) |
RSCH_CLAM | Method of clamping specimen |
RSCH_REM | Remarks |
RSCH_METH | Test method |
RSCH_LAB | Name of testing laboratory/organization |
RSCH_CRED | Accrediting body and reference number |
RSCH_DEV | Deviation from the specified procedure |
RSCH_STYP | Specimen type |
RSCH_EXCV | Method of excavation or block production |
RSCH_DIAM | Specimen diameter |
RSCH_LEN | Specimen length |
RSCH_WC | Water content of specimen, if measured |
RSCH_WCTX | Description of water content if not measured |
RSCH_HTYP | Hammer type |
RSCH_ORN | Orientation of hammer axis with reference to intact rock anisotropy features (e.g. lamination, foliation, schistosity, lineation) |
RSCH_MEAN | Schmidt hardness mean (normalized to horizontal impact direction) |
RSCH_MED | Schmidt hardness median (normalized to horizontal impact direction) |
RSCH_MODE | Schmidt hardness mode (normalized to horizontal impact direction) |
RSCH_RANG | Schmidt hardness range (normalized to horizontal impact direction) |
RSCH_NUM | Number of determinations if less than 20 and reason |
RESS_TESN | Test / Stage Number |
RESS_INC | Pressure increment |
RESS_DIFF | Differential pressure used |
RESS_CELL | Final cell pressure |
RESS_BPWP | Final base porewater pressure |
RESS_STRN | Final axial strain |
RESS_MCF | Final water content |
RESS_BDEN | Final bulk density |
RESS_DDEN | Final dry density |
RESS_FVR | Final voids ratio |
RESS_FSAT | Final degree of saturation |
RESS_B | Final B value |
RESS_REM | Remarks |
RESD_TESN | Test / Stage Number |
RESD_MNUM | Measurement Number |
RESP_CTYP | Type of Consolidation |
RESP_CSTG | Consolidation Stage |
RESP_CELL | Isotropic/Anisotropic Consolidation Cell Pressure |
RESP_BACK | Isotropic/Anisotropic Consolidation Back Pressure |
RESP_ERSC | Effective Radial Stress During Consolidation |
RESP_EASC | Effective Axial Stress During Consolidation |
RESP_DEV | Deviator Stress at End of Isotropic/Anisotropic Consolidation |
RESP_VOLS | Change to Volumetric Strain During Isotropic/Anisotropic Consolidation |
RESP_STRN | Axial Strain After Isotropic/Anisotropic Consolidation |
RESP_SMOD | Shear Modulus G0 |
RESP_SSTR | Mean Effective Stress |
RESP_DAMP | Damping Ratio |
RESP_SMRA | Normalised Shear Modulus by Maximum Shear Modulus |
RESP_SR | Slippage Ratio |
RESP_REM | Remarks |
RESD_BP | Back Pressure |
RESD_AXL | Axial Stress |
RESD_BPWP | Base Pore Water Pressure |
RESD_MPWP | Mid-height Pore Water Pressure |
RESD_PPR | Pore Pressure Ratio |
RESD_PWPM | Maximum Excess Pore Water Pressure |
RESD_EAS | External Axial Strain |
RESD_VOL | Volumetric Strain |
RESD_DEV | Principal Stress Difference |
RESD_MEES | Mean Effective Stress |
RESD_MIPS | Minor Principal Stress (sigma 3) |
RESD_MAPS | Major Principal Stress (sigma 1) |
RESD_AVSS | Average Shear Strain |
RESD_SM | Shear Modulus |
RESD_DMP | Damping |
RESD_REM | Remarks |
RESG_COND | Sample condition |
RESG_CONS | Specific condition statements |
RESG_DRAG | Type of Drainage |
RESG_ORNT | Orientation of Specimen |
RESG_SDIA | Initial specimen diameter |
RESG_HIGT | Initial specimen Height |
RESG_MCI | Initial Water/moisture Content |
RESG_MCF | Final Water/moisture Content |
RESG_BDEN | Initial Bulk Density |
RESG_DDEN | Initial Dry Density |
RESG_MIDD | Minimum dry density for sand |
RESG_MADD | Maximum dry density for sand |
RESG_IRDI | Initial relative density index |
RESG_IVR | Initial void ratio |
RESG_ISAT | Initial degree of saturation |
RESG_PDEN | Particle density with prefix # if value assumed |
RESG_DAMP | Damping measurement method |
RESG_DEV | Deviation from the specified procedure |
RESG_REM | Remarks |
RESG_METH | Test method |
RESG_LAB | Name of testing laboratory/organization |
RESG_CRED | Accrediting body and reference number (when appropriate) |
RESD_CNDS | Test Conditions |
RESD_SDIA | Specimen Diameter |
RESD_HIGH | Specimen Height |
RESD_CELL | Cell Pressure |
RELD_DEV | Deviation from the specified procedure |
RESC_SDIA | Specimen diameter |
RESC_HIGH | Specimen height |
RESC_CTYP | Type of consolidation |
RESC_ELAP | Duration of stage |
RESC_CHGT | Specimen height at end of test/stage |
RESC_CDIA | Specimen diameter at end of test/stage |
RESC_CMC | Water content at end of test/stage |
RESC_CDDN | Dry density at end of test/stage |
RESC_CRD | Relative density at end of test/stage |
RESC_INCE | Voids ratio at end of test/stage |
RESC_EASC | Effective axial stress during consolidation at end of test/stage |
RESC_ERSC | Effective radial stress during consolidation at end of test/stage |
RESC_DEVS | Deviatoric stress at end of test/stage |
RESC_SHRS | Shear stress at end of test/stage |
RESC_MNES | Mean effective stress at end of test/stage |
RESC_AXSN | Axial strain at end of test/stage |
RESC_VLSN | Volumetric strain from measured volume change at end of test/stage |
RESC_RDSN | Radial strain from measured volume change |
RESC_BESE | Bender element test sequence |
RESC_BEAX | Bender element axis of measurement |
RESC_DBTE | Distance between bender elements |
RESC_MAT | Measured arrival time of propagated wave |
RESC_MATM | Method of measuring arrival time of propagated wave |
RESC_SWV | Calculated shear wave velocity |
RESC_SMGM | Shear modulus Gmax from bender elements |
RESC_REM | Remarks |
RELD_DMAX | Maximum dry density |
RELD_375 | Weight percent of sample retained on 37.5mm sieve |
RELD_063 | Weight percent of sample retained on 6.3mm sieve |
RELD_020 | Weight percent of sample retained on 2mm sieve |
RELD_DMIN | Minimum dry density |
RELD_REM | Remarks on test |
RELD_METH | Test method |
RELD_LAB | Name of testing laboratory/organization |
RELD_CRED | Accrediting body and reference number (when appropriate) |
RCCV_DEV | Deviation from the specified procedure |
RDEN_MC | Water content of specimen |
RDEN_SMC | Saturated water content |
RDEN_BDEN | Bulk density |
RDEN_DDEN | Dry density |
RDEN_PORO | Porosity |
RDEN_PDEN | Apparent particle density |
RDEN_TEMP | Temperature sample dried at |
RDEN_REM | Remarks |
RDEN_METH | Test method |
RDEN_LAB | Name of testing laboratory/organization |
RDEN_CRED | Accrediting body and reference number (when appropriate) |
RDEN_IDEN | Intact dry density |
RDEN_DEV | Deviation from the specified procedure |
RCCV_MC | Water content of specimen tested |
RCCV_CCV | Chalk crushing value |
RCCV_100 | Percentage larger than 10mm in original sample |
RCCV_REM | Remarks |
RCCV_METH | Test method |
RCCV_LAB | Name of testing laboratory/organization |
RCCV_CRED | Accrediting body and reference number (when appropriate) |
RCAG_ANIS | Planes of weakness or anisotropy present (bedding, schistosity, etc) |
RCAG_MACH | Type of apparatus |
RCAG_MMTD | Measurement method (side view, top view, optical, digital) |
RCAG_CAIM | CAI mean value |
RCAG_CAIS | CAI standard deviation |
RCAG_ABCL | Abrasiveness classification |
RCAG_REM | Remarks |
RCAG_METH | Test method |
RCAG_LAB | Name of testing laboratory/organization |
RCAG_CRED | Accrediting body and reference number (when appropriate) |
Heading | Description |
RCAT_TESN | Measurement number |
RCAT_CUT | Surface condition (rough, saw-cut) |
RCAT_SDIR | Direction of scratching with respect to planes of weakness or anisotropy |
RCAT_STYH | Rockwell hardness HRC of stylus |
RCAT_STYC | Stylus condition (new or re- sharpened) |
RCAT_CAI | As measured CAI value |
RCAT_CAIS | Equivalent CAI value at standard stylus hardness HRC 55 |
RCAT_REM | Remarks |
PUMT_DTIM | Date and time of reading |
PUMT_DPTH | Depth to water below ground |
PUMT_QUAT | Pumping rate from hole |
PUMT_REM | Remarks |
RCAG_DEV | Deviation from the specified procedure |
RCAG_DATE | Date of test |
RCAG_COND | Condition of specimen as tested (saturated, as received, air dried, oven dried, etc) |
RCAG_GSIZ | Maximum grain size |
PTST_LAB | Name of testing laboratory/organization |
PTST_CRED | Accrediting body and reference number (when appropriate) |
PTST_DEV | Deviations from the test method |
PTST_WCIS | Initial water content source |
PTST_WCF | Final water content of test specimen |
PTST_FSAT | Final degree of saturation, if determined |
PTST_TEMP | Average laboratory temperature at which the test was performed |
PTST_SOUR | Source of permeameter water |
PTST_BACK | Back pressure |
PTST_BVAL | B-value, if used |
PTST_LOSS | Equipment head loss corrections applied to the measurements, if any, and the associated flow rates |
PUMG_TEST | Test reference |
PUMG_CONT | Contractor |
PUMG_METH | Method of testing |
PUMG_CRED | Accrediting body and reference number (when appropriate) |
PUMG_ENV | Details of weather and environmental conditions during test |
PUMG_REM | Remarks on test |
PTST_TESN | Test reference |
PTST_COND | Sample condition |
PTST_SZUN | Size cut off of material too coarse for testing |
PTST_UNS | Proportion of material removed above PTST |
PTST_DIAM | Specimen diameter |
PTST_LEN | Specimen length |
PTST_MC | Initial water/moisture content of test specimen |
PTST_BDEN | Initial bulk density of test specimen |
PTST_DDEN | Initial dry density |
PTST_IDIA | Diameter of drain for permeability in hydraulic cell |
PTST_DMET | Method of forming central drain |
PTST_VOID | Initial voids ratio |
PTST_K | Coefficient of permeability |
PTST_TSTR | Mean effective stress at which permeability measured (when measured in triaxial or hydraulic cell). |
PTST_HYGR | Hydraulic gradient at which permeability measured (for constant head test). |
PTST_ISAT | Initial degree of saturation |
PTST_SAT | Details of saturation, appropriate |
PTST_CONS | Details of consolidation, where appropriate |
PTST_PDEN | Particle density with prefix # if value assumed |
PTST_TYPE | Type of permeability measurement |
PTST_CELL | Type of permeameter |
PTST_REM | Remarks on test |
PTST_METH | Test method |
PREM_DTIM | Date and time of remark or start of event |
PREM_COMP | Component or sub-activity |
PREM_REM | Time related remark |
PREM_DURN | Duration of event or activity |
PREM_ETIM | Date and time of end of event |
PTIM_DTIM | Date and time of progress reading |
PTIM_DPTH | Hole depth |
PTIM_CAS | Depth of casing |
PTIM_WAT | Depth to water |
PTIM_REM | Remarks |
PMTG_DPTH | Depth of test |
PMTL_LNO | Unload/reload loop number |
PMTL_GAA | Unload/reload shear modulus, average |
PMTL_SINC | Mean strain |
PMTL_PINC | Mean pressure |
PMTL_STRA | Strain range or amplitude |
PMTL_PRSA | Pressure range or amplitude |
PMTL_NLSA | Shear stress coefficient (from Bolton and Whittle, 1999) |
PMTL_NLSB | Linearity exponent (from Bolton and Whittle, 1999) |
PMTL_REM | Remarks |
PMTL_AXIS | Arm combination used for analysis |
PMTG_TESN | Test reference |
PMTD_SEQ | Sequence number |
PMTD_TPC | Total pressure |
PMTD_PPA | Pore pressure cell A |
PMTD_PPB | Pore pressure cell B |
PMTD_VOL | Volume change in test cell |
PMTD_REM | Remarks |
PMTD_AX1 | Axis 1 displacement |
PMTD_AX2 | Axis 2 displacement |
PMTD_AX3 | Axis 3 displacement |
PMTD_SA1 | Arm 1 displacement |
PMTD_SA2 | Arm 2 displacement |
PMTD_SA3 | Arm 3 displacement |
PMTD_SA4 | Arm 4 displacement |
PMTD_SA5 | Arm 5 displacement |
PMTD_SA6 | Arm 6 displacement |
PMTD_SAME | Mean arm displacement |
PLTT_STG | Load stage |
PLTT_TIME | Stage elapsed time |
PLTT_LOAD | Applied load |
PLTT_SET1 | Settlement Gauge 1 |
PLTT_SET2 | Settlement Gauge 2 |
PLTT_SET3 | Settlement Gauge 3 |
PLTT_SET4 | Settlement Gauge 4 |
PLTT_REM | Comments on reading |
PMTG_DATE | Date of test |
PMTG_WAT | Measured or assumed ground water level |
PMTG_CONT | Subcontractors name |
PMTG_CREW | Operators details |
PMTG_REF | Instrument reference / serial number |
PMTG_TYPE | Pressuremeter type |
PMTG_DIAM | Uninflated diameter of pressuremeter |
PMTG_HO | Estimated in situ horizontal stress |
PMTG_GI | Initial shear modulus |
PMTG_CU | Undrained shear strength |
PMTG_PL | Limit pressure |
PMTG_AF | Angle of friction |
PMTG_AD | Angle of dilation |
PMTG_AFCV | Angle of friction at constant volume (*cv) used |
PMTG_METH | Method(s) used to determine derived soil parameters (including those in PMTL). |
PMTG_CRED | Accrediting body and reference number (when appropriate) |
PMTG_ENV | Details of weather and environmental conditions during test |
PMTG_REM | Remarks |
PMTG_NUAR | Number of arms |
PMTG_ORNT | Bearing of arm 1 (clockwise degrees from North) |
PMTG_AXIS | Arm combination used for analysis |
PLTG_DPTH | Test depth |
PLTG_TESN | Test reference |
PLTG_CYC | Load cycle |
PLTG_PDIA | Plate diameter |
PLTG_SEAT | Seating load including apparatus mass |
PLTG_FA0 | Factor a0 |
PLTG_FA1 | Factor a1 |
PLTG_FA2 | Factor a2 |
PLTG_SMOD | Strain modulus |
PLTG_EV2 | Elastic modulus for second loading cycle |
PLTG_MOSR | Modulus of subgrade reaction |
PLTG_EMOD | Elastic modulus |
PLTG_DATE | Test date |
PLTG_STAB | Amount of stabiliser added |
PLTG_STYP | Type of stabiliser added |
PLTG_REM | Remarks |
PLTG_ENV | Details of weather and environmental conditions during test |
PLTG_METH | Test method |
PLTG_CONT | Name of testing organization |
PLTG_CRED | Accrediting body and reference number (when appropriate) |
MONG_INCA | Inclination (measured horizontal) |
MONG_INCB | Inclination (measured horizontal) |
MONG_INCC | Inclination (measured horizontal) |
MONG_RSCA | Reading sign convention in direction A |
MONG_RSCB | Reading sign convention in direction B |
MONG_RSCC | Reading sign convention in direction C |
MONG_REM | Remarks |
MONG_CONT | Contractor who installed monitoring instrument |
PIPE_REF | Pipe reference |
PIPE_TOP | Top of construction zone |
PIPE_BASE | Base of construction zone |
PIPE_DIAM | Diameter of pipe |
PIPE_TYPE | Type of pipe |
PIPE_CONS | Details of pipe construction |
PIPE_REM | Remarks |
MONG_DATE | Installation date |
MONG_TYPE | Instrument type |
MONG_DETL | Details of instrument |
MONG_TRZ | Distance to start of response zone from LOCA_ID datum |
MONG_BRZ | Distance to end of response zone from LOCA_ID datum |
MONG_BRGA | Bearing of monitoring axis A (compass bearing) |
MONG_BRGB | Bearing of monitoring axis B (compass bearing) |
MONG_BRGC | Bearing of monitoring axis C (compass bearing) |
MONG_ID | Monitoring point reference |
MONG_DIS | Initial distance of monitoring point from LOCA_ID datum |
MOND_DTIM | Date and time of reading |
MOND_TYPE | Reading type |
MOND_REF | Reading reference |
MOND_INST | Instrument reference / serial number |
MOND_RDNG | Reading |
MOND_UNIT | Units of reading |
MOND_METH | Measurement method |
MOND_LIM | Instrument/method reading/detection limit |
MOND_ULIM | Instrument/method upper reading/detection (when appropriate) |
MOND_NAME | Client preferred name of measurement |
MOND_CRED | Accrediting body and reference number (when appropriate) |
MOND_CONT | Organization taking reading |
MOND_REM | Comments on reading |
MCVG_NMC | Natural water/moisture content below 20 mm |
MCVG_STAB | Amount of stabiliser added |
MCVG_STYP | Type of stabiliser added |
MCVG_REM | Remarks including commentary on effect of specimen disturbance on test result |
MCVG_METH | Test method |
MCVG_LAB | Name of testing laboratory/organization |
MCVG_CRED | Accrediting body and reference number (when appropriate) |
MCVG_DEV | Deviation from the specified procedure |
MCVT_TESN | Test reference |
MCVT_MC | Water/moisture content for MCVT_TESN |
MCVT_CURV | Method of interpretation of the test curve |
MCVT_BDEN | After test bulk density for MCVT_TESN |
MCVT_DIFF | Difference between initial (n) and final (3n) blows in rapid assessment test |
MCVT_RAPD | Stronger or weaker than pre- calibrated standard |
MCVT_REM | Remarks |
LVAN_REM | Remarks |
LVAN_METH | Test method, including type of vane |
LVAN_LAB | Name of testing laboratory/organization |
LVAN_CRED | Accrediting body and reference number (when appropriate) |
LVAN_DEV | Deviation from the specified procedure |
LVAN_TYPE | Vane type |
MCVG_200 | Weight percent of sample retained on 20 mm sieve |
LVAN_VNPK | Vane undrained (peak) |
LVAN_VNRM | Vane undrained (remoulded) |
LVAN_MC | Water/moisture content local to the test |
LVAN_SIZE | Equivalent diameter of vane |
LVAN_VLEN | Length of vane |
LTCH_PSPA | Probe spacing |
LTCH_PPEN | Probe penetration |
LTCH_PRBE | Method of probe insertion |
LTCH_PART | Particle grain size removed |
LTCH_DEV | Deviation from the procedure |
LTCH_REM | Remarks |
LTCH_METH | Test method |
LTCH_LAB | Name of testing laboratory/ organization |
LTCH_CRED | Accrediting body and reference number (when appropriate) |
LUCT_DEV | Deviation from the procedure |
LUCT_TYPE | Test type |
LUCT_DIA | Specimen diameter |
LUCT_SLEN | Specimen length |
LUCT_IWC | Specimen initial water content |
LUCT_BDEN | Initial bulk density |
LUCT_DDEN | Initial dry density |
LUCT_RATE | Mean rate of compression |
LUCT_UCS | Unconfined compressive strength |
LUCT_STRA | Strain at failure |
LUCT_MODE | Mode of failure |
LUCT_REM | Remarks |
LUCT_METH | Test method |
LUCT_LAB | Name of testing laboratory/ organization |
LUCT_CRED | Accrediting body and reference number (when appropriate) |
LTCH_COND | Sample condition |
LTCH_BDEN | Bulk density |
LTCH_DDEN | Dry density |
LTCH_MC | Water/moisture Content |
LTCH_TCON | Thermal Conductivity |
LTCH_TRES | Thermal Resistivity |
LTCH_TEMP | Ambient temperature at which test is performed |
LTCH_PDIA | Probe diameter |
LSTT_TESN | Test reference |
LSTT_LCON | Percentage of lime added |
LSTT_PH | pH of lime/soil suspension |
LSTT_REM | Remarks |
LSWL_SWPR | Swelling Pressure Index |
LSWL_SWSI | Swelling Strain Index |
LSWL_MCI | Initial water content of test specimen |
LSWL_SDIA | Specimen diameter |
LSWL_THCK | Specimen thickness |
LSWL_BDEN | Initial bulk density |
LSWL_DDEN | Initial dry density |
LSWL_REM | Remarks |
LSWL_METH | Test method |
LSWL_LAB | Name of testing laboratory/ organization |
LSWL_CRED | Accrediting body and reference number (when appropriate) |
LSWL_DEV | Deviation from the specified procedure |
LSLT_SLIM | Shrinkage limit |
LSLT_SHRA | Shrinkage ratio |
LSLT_IDEN | Initial density |
LSLT_MCI | Initial water/moisture content of test specimen |
LSLT_425 | Percentage passing 0.425mm sieve |
LSLT_REM | Remarks |
LSLT_METH | Test method |
LSLT_LAB | Name of testing laboratory/organization |
LSLT_CRED | Accrediting body and reference number (when appropriate) |
LSLT_DEV | Deviation from the specified procedure |
LSTG_ICL | Initial consumption of lime |
LSTG_PH | pH value used for interpretation of LSTG_ICL |
LSTG_LIME | Details of lime used for test |
LSTG_SUIT | pH of saturated lime solution (suitability) |
LSTG_425 | Percentage passing 0.425m sieve |
LSTG_REM | Remarks including commentary on effect of specimen disturbance on test result |
LSTG_METH | Test method |
LSTG_LAB | Name of testing laboratory/organization |
LSTG_CRED | Accrediting body and reference number (when appropriate) |
LSTG_DEV | Deviation from the specified procedure |
LPEN_PPEN | Hand penetrometer undrained shear strength |
LPEN_MC | Water/moisture content local to test, if measured |
LPEN_REM | Remarks |
LPEN_METH | Test method |
LPEN_LAB | Name of testing laboratory/organization |
LPEN_CRED | Accrediting body and reference number (when appropriate) |
LPEN_DEV | Deviation from the specified procedure |
LRES_BDEN | Bulk density |
LRES_DDEN | Dry density |
LRES_MC | Water/moisture content |
LRES_COND | Sample condition including details of remoulding |
LRES_LRES | Temperature corrected (20 DegC) resistivity |
LRES_CDIA | Diameter of container |
LRES_CCSA | Container cross-sectional area |
LRES_CLEN | Length of container |
LRES_TEMP | Temperature at which test performed |
LRES_ELEC | Type of electrodes including material |
LRES_PENT | Dimensions of probes, diameter, spacing, penetration into the soil specimen and whether inserted into ends or side |
LRES_CSHP | Shape of container |
LRES_WAT | Volume of water required to saturate the soil |
LRES_WRES | Water resistivity |
LRES_PART | Approximate percentage of large particles removed prior to test |
LRES_REM | Remarks |
LRES_METH | Test method |
LRES_LAB | Name of testing laboratory/organization |
LRES_CRED | Accrediting body and reference number (when appropriate) |
LRES_DEV | Deviation from the specified procedure |
LPDN_PDEN | Particle density with prefix # if value assumed |
LPDN_TYPE | Type of test |
LPDN_REM | Remarks |
LPDN_METH | Test method |
LPDN_LAB | Name of testing laboratory/organization |
LPDN_CRED | Accrediting body and reference number (when appropriate) |
LPDN_DEV | Any deviation from the specified test procedure, and any other information that could be important for interpreting the test results. |
LPDN_PVOL | Pycnometer volume if used and not 50ml |
LPDN_GAS | Identity of gas if gas pycnometer used |
LOCA_NATE | National Grid Easting of location or start of traverse |
LOCA_NATN | National Grid Northing of location or start of traverse |
LOCA_GREF | National grid referencing system used |
LOCA_GL | Ground level relative to datum of location or start of traverse |
LOCA_REM | General remarks |
LOCA_FDEP | Final depth |
LOCA_STAR | Date of start of activity |
LOCA_PURP | Purpose of activity at this location |
LOCA_TERM | Reason for activity termination |
LOCA_ENDD | End date of activity |
LOCA_LETT | OSGB letter grid reference |
LOCA_LOCX | Local grid x co-ordinate or start of traverse |
LOCA_LOCY | Local grid y co-ordinate or start of traverse |
LOCA_LOCZ | Level or start of traverse to local datum |
LOCA_LREF | Local grid referencing system used |
LOCA_DATM | Local datum referencing system used |
LOCA_ETRV | National Grid Easting of end of traverse |
LOCA_NTRV | National Grid Northing of end of traverse |
LOCA_LTRV | Ground level relative to datum of end of traverse |
LOCA_XTRL | Local grid easting of end of traverse |
LOCA_YTRL | Local grid northing of end of traverse |
LOCA_ZTRL | Local elevation of end of traverse |
LOCA_LAT | Latitude of location or start of traverse |
LOCA_LON | Longitude of location or start of traverse |
LOCA_ELAT | Latitude of end of traverse |
LOCA_ELON | Longitude of end of traverse |
LOCA_LLZ | Projection Format |
LOCA_LOCM | Method of location |
LOCA_LOCA | Site location sub division (within project) code or description |
LOCA_CLST | Investigation phase grouping code or description |
LOCA_ALID | Alignment Identifier |
LOCA_OFFS | Offset |
LOCA_CNGE | Chainage |
LOCA_TRAN | Reference to or details of algorithm used to calculate local grid reference, local ground levels or chainage |
LOCA_NATD | National Datum Referencing System used |
LOCA_ORID | Original Hole ID |
LOCA_ORJO | Original Job Reference |
LOCA_ORCO | Originating Company |
LNMC_MC | Water/moisture content |
LNMC_TEMP | Temperature sample dried at |
LNMC_STAB | Amount of stabiliser added |
LNMC_STYP | Type of stabiliser added |
LNMC_ISNT | Is test result assumed to be a natural water/moisture content |
LNMC_COMM | Reason water/moisture content is assumed to be other than natural |
LNMC_REM | Remarks |
LNMC_METH | Test method |
LNMC_LAB | Name of testing laboratory/organization |
LNMC_CRED | Accrediting body and reference number (when appropriate) |
LNMC_DEV | Deviation from the specified procedure |
LLIN_LS | Linear shrinkage |
LLIN_425 | Percentage passing 0.425mm sieve |
LLIN_PREP | Method of preparation |
LLIN_REM | Remarks |
LLIN_METH | Test method |
LLIN_LAB | Name of testing laboratory/organization |
LLIN_CRED | Accrediting body and reference number (when appropriate) |
LLIN_DEV | Deviation from the specified procedure |
LLPL_LL | Liquid limit |
LLPL_PL | Plastic limit |
LLPL_PI | Plasticity Index |
LLPL_425 | Percentage passing 0.425mm sieve |
LLPL_PREP | Method of preparation |
LLPL_STAB | Amount of stabiliser added |
LLPL_STYP | Type of stabiliser added |
LLPL_REM | Remarks |
LLPL_METH | Test method |
LLPL_LAB | Name of testing laboratory/organization |
LLPL_CRED | Accrediting body and reference number (when appropriate) |
LLPL_DEV | Deviation from the specified procedure |
LLPL_TYPE | Type of test. |
LLPL_POIN | Number of points. |
LLPL_CONE | For fall cone method, type of cone. |
LLPL_1PRE | Mean of test readings, if one-point test. |
LLPL_1PCF | Correlation factor if one-point test. |
LLPL_SIZE | Sieve size if other than 0.425mm |
LLPL_PASS | Percentage passing LLPL_SIZE sieve if other than 0.425mm |
LLPL_WC | The water content of the specimen before removal of particles prior to determination liquid or plastic limits, if measured |
LDYN_SG | Shear modulus derived from LDYN_SWAV |
LDYN_REM | Remarks |
LDYN_METH | Test method |
LDYN_LAB | Name of testing laboratory/organization |
LDYN_CRED | Accrediting body and reference number (when appropriate) |
LDYN_DEV | Deviation from the specified procedure |
LFCN_DEV | Deviations from the procedure |
LFCN_CMAS | Mass of cone used |
LFCN_CANG | Angle of cone tip |
LFCN_PENA | Average cone penetration |
LFCN_PEN1 | Individual penetration point 1 if values differ by more than 0.5mm from the average, for undisturbed tests. |
LFCN_PEN2 | Individual penetration point 2 if values differ by more than 0.5mm from the average, for undisturbed tests. |
LFCN_PEN3 | Individual penetration point 3 if values differ by more than 0.5mm from the average, for undisturbed tests. |
LFCN_PEN4 | Individual penetration point 4 if values differ by more than 0.5mm from the average, for undisturbed tests. |
LFCN_CONF | Non-conforming test (due to penetration range) |
LFCN_FCPK | Estimated undrained fall cone shear strength |
LFCN_FCRM | Estimated undrained fall cone shear strength, remoulded |
LFCN_WC | Water content of specimen |
LFCN_WCST | Water content determined on specimen trimmings or other if applicable |
LFCN_REM | Test remarks |
LFCN_METH | Test method |
LFCN_LAB | Name of testing laboratory/organization |
LFCN_CRED | Accrediting body and reference number (when appropriate) |
LDYN_PWAV | P-wave velocity |
LDYN_SWAV | S-wave velocity |
LDYN_EMOD | Dynamic elastic modulus |
LBST_DONE | Date test completed |
LDEN_TYPE | Type of test performed |
LDEN_COND | Sample condition |
LDEN_SMTY | Type of sample |
LDEN_MC | Water/moisture content |
LDEN_BDEN | Bulk density |
LDEN_DDEN | Dry density |
LDEN_REM | Remarks |
LDEN_METH | Test method |
LDEN_LAB | Name of testing laboratory/organization |
LDEN_CRED | Accrediting body and reference number (when appropriate) |
LDEN_DEV | Specimen size if less than 50cm3 and any deviation from the specified procedure |
LBSG_REF | Schedule reference |
LBSG_DATE | Date of issue |
LBSG_FROM | Schedule prepared by |
LBSG_TO | Schedule issued to |
LBSG_DUE | Date schedule to be completed and reported |
LBSG_REM | Comments on schedule |
LBSG_STAT | Status of schedule |
LBST_TEST | Test Name |
CHOC_REF | Chain of custody reference |
LBST_TTYP | Full test method or standard |
LBST_METH | Method and test parameters |
LBST_PREP | Preparation requirements |
LBST_DEPN | Dependent test options |
LBST_STAT | Status of laboratory test |
LBST_REM | Remarks |
LBST_DUE | Test results due date |
LBST_DETL | Details of testing carried out or reasons for no testing possible |
IVAN_DPTH | Depth of vane test |
IVAN_TESN | Test reference |
IVAN_TYPE | Vane type |
IVAN_IVAN | Vane test result |
IVAN_IVAR | Vane test residual result |
IVAN_DATE | Test date |
IVAN_REM | Details of vane test, vane size |
IVAN_ENV | Details of weather and environmental conditions during test |
IVAN_METH | Test method |
IVAN_CONT | Name of testing organization |
IVAN_CRED | Accrediting body and reference number (when appropriate) |
ISAG_METH | Test method |
ISAG_CONT | Name of testing organization |
ISAG_CRED | Accrediting body and reference number (when appropriate) |
ISAG_OPER | Name of operator carrying out test |
ISAG_TESN | Test reference |
ISAT_TIME | Elapsed time |
ISAT_DPTH | Depth to water |
ISAT_REM | Remark relating to test reading |
ISPT_TOP | Depth to top of test |
ISPT_SEAT | Number of blows for seating drive |
ISPT_MAIN | Number of blows for main test drive |
ISPT_NPEN | Total penetration for seating drive and test drive |
ISPT_NVAL | SPT 'N' value |
ISPT_REP | SPT reported result |
ISPT_CAS | Casing depth at time of test |
ISPT_WAT | Depth to water at time of test |
ISPT_TYPE | Type of SPT test |
ISPT_HAM | Hammer serial number from manufacturer |
ISPT_ERAT | Energy ratio of the hammer |
ISPT_SWP | Self-weight penetration |
ISPT_INC1 | Number of blows for 1st Increment (Seating) |
ISPT_INC2 | Number of blows for 2nd Increment (Seating) |
ISPT_INC3 | Number of blows for 1st Increment (Test) |
ISPT_INC4 | Number of blows for 2nd Increment (Test) |
ISPT_INC5 | Number of blows for 3rd Increment (Test) |
ISPT_INC6 | Number of blows for 4th Increment (Test) |
ISPT_PEN1 | Penetration for 1st Increment (Seating Drive) |
ISPT_PEN2 | Penetration for 2nd Increment (Seating Drive) |
ISPT_PEN3 | Penetration for 1st Increment (Test) |
ISPT_PEN4 | Penetration for 2nd Increment (Test) |
ISPT_PEN5 | Penetration for 3rd Increment (Test) |
ISPT_PEN6 | Penetration for 4th Increment (Test) |
ISPT_ROCK | SPT carried out in soft rock |
ISPT_REM | Remarks |
ISPT_ENV | Details of weather and environmental conditions during test |
ISPT_METH | Test method |
ISPT_CRED | Accrediting body and reference number (when appropriate) |
ISPT_N60 | SPT 'N' value (corrected by energy ratio ISPT_ERAT) |
IRES_REM | Details of test e.g. electrode spacing and configuration |
IRES_METH | Test method |
IRES_CONT | Name of testing organization |
ISAG_DATE | Test date |
ISAG_PWID | Soakaway pit width |
ISAG_DPTS | Soakaway pit depth at start of test |
ISAG_DPTE | Soakaway pit depth at end of test |
ISAG_PORO | Fill porosity |
ISAG_REM | Remarks |
IRDX_DPTH | Depth of redox test |
IRDX_TESN | Test reference |
IRDX_DATE | Test date |
IRDX_PH | pH |
IRDX_MPOT | Mean value of the potential of the two platinum probes |
IRDX_IRDX | Redox potential |
IRDX_REM | Details of redox test and probe type |
IRDX_ENV | Details of weather and environmental conditions during test |
IRDX_METH | Test method |
IRDX_CONT | Name of testing organization |
IRDX_CRED | Accrediting body and reference number (when appropriate) |
TEST_STAT | Test status |
LOCA_ID | Location identifier |
IRES_DPTH | Depth to which in situ resistivity test relates |
IRES_TESN | Test reference |
IRES_BASE | Base depth to which in-situ resistivity test relates |
IRES_TYPE | Type of resistivity test |
IRES_DATE | Test date |
IRES_IRES | Mean value of the apparent resistivity |
IRES_RES1 | First value of apparent resistivity when more than 15% different to mean |
IRES_RES2 | Second value of apparent resistivity when more than 15% different to mean |
IRES_CRED | Accrediting body and reference number (when appropriate) |
ISAG_DURN | Test duration |
ISAG_PLEN | Soakaway pit length |
ISAG_DPTE | Soakaway pit depth at end of test |
ISAG_CONS | Description of soakaway construction |
ISAG_ENV | Details of weather and environmental conditions during test |
IRES_ENV | Details of weather and environmental conditions during test |
ISAG_PDIA | Soakaway pit diameter |
ISAG_SI | Soil infiltration rate |
ISAG_PORO | Fill porosity |
IPEN_IPEN | Hand penetrometer result |
IPEN_DATE | Test date |
IPEN_REM | Remarks on test |
IPEN_ENV | Details of weather and environmental conditions during test |
IPEN_METH | Test method |
IPEN_CONT | Name of testing organization |
IPEN_CRED | Accrediting body and reference number (when appropriate) |
IPID_DATE | Test date |
IPID_TEMP | Ambient temperature at time of test |
IPID_RES | Result of PID analysis |
IPID_REM | Remarks on test |
IPID_ENV | Details of weather and environmental conditions during test |
IPID_METH | Details of PID used and method description |
IPID_CONT | Name of testing organization |
IPID_CRED | Accrediting body and reference number (when appropriate) |
IDEN_TYPE | Type of density test performed |
IDEN_IDEN | In situ bulk density (after any calibration / corrections applied, i.e. reported value) |
IDEN_MC | Water/moisture content relating to in situ test (after any calibration / corrections applied, i.e. reported value) |
IDEN_STAB | Amount of stabiliser added |
IDEN_STYP | Type of stabiliser added |
IDEN_REM | Remarks |
IDEN_ENV | Details of weather and environmental conditions during test |
IDEN_METH | Test method |
IDEN_CONT | Name of testing organization |
IDEN_CRED | Accrediting body and reference number (when appropriate) |
HORN_TOP | Depth to top of exploratory hole section |
HORN_BASE | Depth to base of exploratory hole section |
HORN_ORNT | Orientation of exploratory hole section or traverse (degrees from north) |
HORN_INCL | Inclination of exploratory hole section or traverse (measured positively down from horizontal) |
HORN_REM | Remarks relating to orientation and inclination of hole section |
ICBR_DPTH | Depth to top of CBR test |
ICBR_TESN | Test reference |
ICBR_ICBR | CBR value |
ICBR_MC | Water/moisture content relating to test |
ICBR_DATE | Test date |
ICBR_KENT | Details of kentledge (reaction load) |
ICBR_SEAT | Seating force |
ICBR_SURC | Surcharge pressure |
ICBR_TYPE | Type of CBR |
ICBR_REM | Remarks |
ICBR_ENV | Details of weather and environmental conditions during test |
ICBR_METH | Test method |
ICBR_CONT | Name of testing organization |
ICBR_CRED | Accrediting body and reference number (when appropriate) |
HDPH_TOP | Depth to top of section |
HDPH_BASE | Depth to base of section |
HDPH_TYPE | Type of depth related information |
HDPH_STAR | Date and time of start of section |
HDPH_ENDD | Date and time of end of section |
HDPH_CREW | Name of rig/drill crew/operator |
HDPH_EXC | Plant used |
HDPH_SHOR | Shoring/support used |
HDPH_STAB | Stability of trial pit / trial trench or logged traverse length |
HDPH_DIML | Trial pit / trial trench or logged traverse length |
HDPH_DIMW | Trial pit / trial trench or logged traverse width |
HDPH_DBIT | Drill bit used |
HDPH_BCON | Bit condition |
HDPH_BTYP | Barrel type |
HDPH_BLEN | Barrel length |
HDPH_LOG | Definitive person responsible for logging the section |
HDPH_LOGD | Start date of hole section logging |
HDPH_REM | Remarks |
HDPH_ENV | Details of weather and environmental conditions during hole section construction |
HDPH_METH | Details of method of hole section construction |
HDPH_CONT | Drilling contractor |
GRAT_SIZE | Sieve or particle size |
GRAG_UC | Uniformity coefficient D60/D10 |
GRAG_VCRE | Percentage of material tested greater than 63mm (cobbles) |
GRAG_GRAV | Percentage of material tested in range 63mm to 2mm (gravel) |
GRAG_SAND | Percentage of material tested in range 2mm to 63um (sand) |
GRAG_SILT | Percentage of material tested in range 63um to 2um (silt) |
GRAG_CLAY | Percentage of material tested less than 2um (clay) |
GRAG_FINE | Percentage less than 63um |
GRAG_REM | Remarks including commentary on effect of specimen disturbance on test result |
GRAG_METH | Test method |
GRAG_LAB | Name of testing laboratory/organization |
GRAG_CRED | Accrediting body and reference number (when appropriate) |
GRAG_DEV | Any deviation from the specified test procedure, and any other information that could be important for interpreting the test results. |
GRAG_PDEN | Particle density used in calculations with prefix # if value assumed |
GRAG_PRET | Method of pre-treatment, when applied |
GRAG_SUFF | Amount of soil tested was sufficient to comply with recommended minimum mass |
GRAG_EXCL | Remark if the size of the fractions is not expressed as percentage of total dry mass, together with the nature and amount of fractions excluded. |
GRAG_CC | Coefficient of curvature |
GEOL_TOP | Depth to the top of stratum |
GEOL_BASE | Depth to the base of description |
GEOL_DESC | General description of stratum |
GEOL_LEG | Legend code |
GEOL_GEOL | Geology code |
GEOL_GEO2 | Second geology code |
GEOL_BGS | BGS Lexicon code |
GEOL_FORM | Geological formation or stratum name |
GEOL_REM | Remarks |
FRST_MC | water/moisture content of specimens at preparation |
FRST_HVE1 | Frost heave, first specimen |
FRST_HVE2 | Frost heave, second specimen |
FRST_HVE3 | Frost heave, third specimen |
FRST_HVE | Mean heave of 3 specimens |
FRST_STAB | Amount of stabiliser added |
FRST_STYP | Type of stabiliser added |
FRST_REM | Notes on frost susceptibility testing as per TRRL SR 829 |
FRST_METH | Test method |
FRST_LAB | Name of testing laboratory/organization |
FRST_CRED | Accrediting body and reference number (when appropriate) |
FRST_DEV | Deviations from the test method |
GCHM_CODE | Determinand |
GCHM_METH | Test method |
GCHM_TTYP | Test type |
GCHM_RESL | Test result |
GCHM_UNIT | Test result units |
GCHM_NAME | Client/laboratory preferred name of determinand |
GCHM_REM | Remarks on test |
GCHM_LAB | Name of testing laboratory/organization |
GCHM_CRED | Accrediting body and reference number (when appropriate) |
GCHM_RTXT | Reported result |
GCHM_DLM | Lower detection limit |
SPEC_BASE | Depth to base of specimen |
GCHM_DEV | Deviations from the test method |
GCHM_SGRP | Sample delivery or batch code |
GCHM_LSID | Laboratory sample ID |
GCHM_RDAT | Sample receipt date/time at laboratory |
GCHM_DTIM | Analysis date and time |
GCHM_TEST | Test or Suite Name |
GCHM_IREF | Instrument reference no or identifier |
GCHM_ITYP | Instrument type |
GCHM_SIZE | Size of material removed prior to test; value given indicates lowest sized material removed |
GCHM_PERP | Percentage of material removed |
FRAC_FROM | Depth to top in hole, or distance to start on traverse, of the zone |
FRAC_TO | Depth to base in hole, or distance to end on traverse, of the zone |
FRAC_SET | Discontinuity set reference |
FRAC_IMAX | Maximum fracture spacing over zone |
FRAC_IAVE | Average fracture (modal) spacing over zone |
FRAC_IMIN | Minimum fracture spacing over zone |
FRAC_FI | Fracture Index / frequency over zone (fractures per metre) |
FRAC_REM | Comments on fracture set |
FRST_COND | Sample condition |
FRST_DDEN | Dry density of specimens after preparation |
FGHG_TESN | Test reference |
FGHI_INST | Instrument reference / serial number |
FGHT_TIME | Test date / clock time of reading |
FGHT_TYPE | Test record type |
FGHS_STG | Stage number of multistage test |
FGHT_DURN | Elapsed time of reading during test or test stage |
FGHT_RDNG | Test record (reading) |
FGHT_UNIT | Reading units |
FGHT_REM | Test record remark |
FLSH_TOP | Depth to top of flush zone |
FLSH_BASE | Depth to bottom of flush zone |
FLSH_TYPE | Type of flush |
FLSH_RETN | Flush return minimum (as percentage) |
FLSH_RETX | Flush return maximum (as percentage) |
FLSH_COL | Colour of flush return |
FLSH_REM | Remarks |
GRAT_PERP | Percentage passing/finer than GRAT_SIZE |
GRAT_TYPE | Test type |
GRAT_REM | Remarks |
HDIA_DPTH | Depth of base of hole at the diameter recorded in HDIA_DIAM |
HDIA_DIAM | Hole diameter |
HDIA_REM | Remarks |
FGHS_STTM | Start of stage date / time |
FGHS_ENTM | End of stage date / time |
FGHS_HEAD | Applied head of water during test stage at centre of test zone |
FGHS_FLOW | Average flow rate during test stage |
FGHS_IPRM | Permeability for test stage |
FGHS_ILUG | Lugeon value for test stage |
FGHS_REM | Test remarks |
FGHG_BASE | Depth to base of test zone |
FGHI_TYPE | Instrument measured parameters |
FGHI_DETL | Details of instrument |
FGHI_LOCT | Instrument position |
FGHI_REM | Test remarks |
FGHG_TOP | Depth to top of test zone |
FGHG_TDIA | Diameter of test zone |
FGHG_SDIA | Inside diameter of installation standpipe or borehole casing |
FGHG_ODIA | Outside diameter of installation standpipe or borehole casing |
FGHG_HBAS | Depth of borehole during test (excluding tests in installations) |
FGHG_CAS | Depth of casing during test (excluding tests in installations) |
FGHG_SFAC | Shape factor for test zone |
FGHG_SFRF | Shape factor reference |
FGHG_DATE | Test date |
FGHG_TYPE | Type of test |
FGHG_CNFG | Test configuration |
FGHG_METH | Test method |
FGHG_PRWL | Depth to water in borehole or installation prior to test |
FGHG_AWL | Depth to assumed standing water level used for calculations of head during test |
FGHG_HEAD | Applied total head of water at centre of test zone |
FGHG_FLOW | Average flow rate during test |
FGHG_IPRM | Representative permeability for test |
FGHG_ILUG | Representative Lugeon value for water pressure test |
FGHG_FTYP | Flow type for water pressure test |
FGHG_REM | Test remarks |
FGHG_ENV | Details of weather and environmental conditions during test |
FGHG_CONT | Name of testing organization |
FGHG_OPER | Name of test operator |
FGHG_CRED | Accrediting body and reference number (when appropriate) |
ESCG_BVAL | B value at end of saturation |
ESCG_SVOL | Volume of water taken in during saturation |
ESCG_REM | Remarks including commentary on effect of specimen disturbance on test result |
ESCG_METH | Test method |
ESCG_LAB | Name of testing laboratory/organization |
ESCG_CRED | Accrediting body and reference number (when appropriate) |
ESCG_DEV | Deviations from the test method |
ESCG_ISVR | Voids ratio at in situ vertical stress |
ESCG_ISVS | In situ vertical effective stress |
ESCG_ISST | Axial strain at in situ vertical effective stress |
ESCG_PCP | Preconsolidation stress (yield stress) |
ESCG_YSR | Yield stress ratio (based on Casagrande Method) |
ESCG_CC | Compression index over stress increment |
ESCG_CS | Swelling index over stress increment |
ESCT_INCN | Consolidation stage number |
ESCT_REM | Additional stage specific details |
ESCT_INCC | Cell or diaphragm pressure applied during stage |
ESCT_INCB | Back pressure applied during stage |
ESCT_PWP0 | Pore pressure at end of undrained loading |
ESCT_PWPF | Pore pressure at end of consolidation stage |
ESCT_INCF | Effective stress at end of consolidation stage |
ESCT_VR0 | Voids ratio at start of increment |
ESCT_VRE | Voids ratio at end of stress increment |
ESCT_DISS | Percentage pore pressure dissipation at end of stage |
ESCT_DSET | Settlement measured during consolidation stage |
ESCT_DVOL | Volume change measured during consolidation stage |
ESCT_INMV | Reported coefficient of volume compressibility over stress increment |
ESCT_INCV | Reported coefficient of consolidation over stress increment |
ESCT_INSC | Coefficient of secondary compression over stress increment |
ESCT_CVME | Method used for deriving Cv |
ESCT_TEMP | Average temperature over stress increment |
ESCT_INK | Permeability over stress increment (t90) |
ESCG_TYPE | Test type |
ESCG_CELL | Type of equipment used |
ESCG_COND | Sample condition |
ESCG_SDIA | Test specimen diameter |
ESCG_HIGT | Test specimen height |
ESCG_MCI | Initial water/moisture content |
ESCG_MCF | Final water/moisture content |
ESCG_BDEN | Initial bulk density |
ESCG_BDEF | Final bulk density |
ESCG_DDEN | Initial dry density |
ESCG_PDEN | Particle density with prefix # if value assumed |
ESCG_IVR | Initial voids ratio |
ESCG_SATR | Initial degree of saturation |
ESCG_LOAD | Type of loading ( strain ) |
ESCG_DRAG | Type of drainage |
ESCG_PPM | Pore pressure measurement location |
ESCG_SPRS | Swelling pressure, if measured |
ESCG_SATM | Method of saturation |
ESCG_SINC | Saturation increments |
ESCG_SDIF | Differential pressure during saturation |
ESCG_CELF | Cell or diaphragm pressure at end of saturation |
ESCG_BACF | Back pressure at end of saturation |
ELRG_TADE | Test additional descriptor |
ELRG_RUNI | Result unit |
ELRG_LQLF | Laboratory qualifiers |
ELRG_NAME | Determinand name |
ELRG_RDEV | Result deviation description(s) |
ELRG_RRES | Reportable result |
ELRG_RDLM | Reporting detection limit |
ELRG_LSID | Laboratory sample ID |
ELRG_TEST | Test/Suite |
ELRG_LMTH | Leachate preparation method |
ELRG_METH | Test method |
ELRG_RVAL | Result value |
ELRG_TNAM | Laboratory analytical name |
ELRG_DETF | Detect flag |
ELRG_MDLM | Method detection limit |
ELRG_DUNI | Unit of detection / quantification limits |
ELRG_SGRP | Sample delivery or batch code |
ELRG_TORD | Total or dissolved |
ELRG_ITYP | Instrument type |
ELRG_CODE | Determinand code |
ELRG_MATX | Laboratory test matrix |
ELRG_RTYP | Run type (initial or reanalysis) |
ELRG_TICN | Tentatively identified compound (TIC) |
ELRG_RTCD | Result type |
ELRG_IQLF | Interpreted qualifiers |
ELRG_RTXT | Reported result |
ELRG_DCAT | Determinand category |
ELRG_TESN | Test reference |
ELRG_FDEV | Flagged deviation |
ELRG_DEV | Result deviation description(s) |
ELRG_ORG | Organic |
ELRG_QLM | Quantification limit |
ELRG_CASC | CAS code |
ELRG_TICP | Tentatively identified compound (TIC) probability |
ELRG_TICT | Tentatively identified compound (TIC) retention time |
ELRG_RDAT | Sample receipt date/time at laboratory |
ELRG_DTIM | Analysis date and time |
ELRG_LOCN | Analysis location |
ELRG_BAS | Basis |
ELRG_DIL | Dilution factor |
ELRG_LDTM | Leachate preparation date and time |
ELRG_IREF | Instrument reference number or identifier |
ELRG_SIZE | Size of material removed prior to test; value given indicates lowest sized material removed |
ELRG_PERP | Percentage of material removed |
ELRG_REM | Remarks |
ELRG_LAB | Name of testing laboratory/organization |
ELRG_CRED | Accrediting body and reference number (when appropriate) |
ECTN_ID | Container unique identifier |
ECTN_TYPE | Sample container type |
ECTN_REM | Sample container remarks |
DPRB_DPTH | Depth to start of dynamic probe increment |
DPRB_BLOW | Dynamic probe blows for increment DPRB_INC |
DPRB_CBLW | Cumulative blows for test |
DPRB_TORQ | Maximum torque required to rotate rods |
DPRB_DEL | Delay before increment started |
DPRB_INC | Dynamic probe increment |
DPRB_REM | Notes on events during increment |
DREM_TOP | Depth of remark (DREM_REM) |
DREM_BASE | Base depth |
DREM_REM | Depth related remark |
DPRG_TESN | Test reference |
DPRG_DATE | Test date |
DPRG_TYPE | Dynamic probe type |
DPRG_METH | Test method |
DPRG_MASS | Hammer mass |
DPRG_DROP | Standard drop |
DPRG_CONE | Cone base diameter |
DPRG_ROD | Rod diameter |
DPRG_TANV | Type of anvil |
DPRG_DAMP | Type of anvil damper |
DPRG_TIP | Depth of cone if left in ground |
DPRG_REM | General remarks |
DPRG_ANG | Cone angle |
DPRG_RMSS | Rod mass |
DPRG_PARF | Precautions against rod friction |
DPRG_PDIU | Pre-drilling if used |
DPRG_BCF | Blow count frequency |
DPRG_GW | Groundwater level |
DPRG_REET | Reasons for early end of test |
DPRG_ENV | Details of weather and environmental conditions during test |
DPRG_CONT | Name of testing organization |
DPRG_CRED | Accrediting body and reference number (when appropriate) |
DLOG_TOP | Depth to top of drillers stratum description |
DLOG_BASE | Depth to base of drillers stratum description |
DLOG_DESC | Drillers description of stratum |
DLOG_REM | Remarks |
DOBS_TOP | Depth to top of reported section |
DOBS_BASE | Depth to base of reported section |
DOBS_SET | Readings set reference |
DOBS_DURN | Duration to advance reported section |
DOBS_STIM | Date and time of start of reported section |
DOBS_ETIM | Date and time at end of reported section |
DOBS_DHRT | Drill head rotational torque |
DOBS_DHRS | Drill head rotational speed |
DOBS_PENR | Penetration rate |
DOBS_HAMM | Hammering used during section |
DOBS_THRP | Pressure of downthrust system |
DOBS_RESP | Pressure of restraining (holdback) system |
DOBS_TORP | Torque pressure |
DOBS_TORQ | Torque applied to top of drill rods |
DOBS_THST | Downward thrust on bit |
DOBS_REST | Restraining (holdback) force |
DOBS_HAMP | Supply pressure to downhole hammer |
DOBS_SPEN | Specific energy |
DOBS_FMPO | Flushing medium pressure at the output of the pump over flush zone |
DOBS_FMCR | Flushing medium circulation rate (input) over flush zone |
DOBS_FMRR | Flushing medium recovery rate over flush zone |
DOBS_REM | Remarks |
DETL_REM | Remarks |
DISC_TOP | Depth to top in hole, or distance to start on traverse, of discontinuity zone, or discontinuity |
DISC_BASE | Depth to base in hole, or distance to end on traverse, of discontinuity zone |
DISC_NUMB | Discontinuity reference |
DISC_TYPE | Type of discontinuity |
DISC_DIP | Dip of discontinuity |
DISC_DIR | Dip direction of discontinuity |
DISC_RGH | Small scale roughness |
DISC_PLAN | Medium scale roughness |
DISC_WAVE | Large scale roughness, wavelength |
DISC_AMP | Large scale roughness, amplitude |
DISC_JRC | Joint Roughness Coefficient |
DISC_APP | Surface appearance |
DISC_APT | Discontinuity aperture measurement |
DISC_APOB | Discontinuity aperture observation |
DISC_INFM | Infilling material |
DISC_TERM | Discontinuity termination (lower, upper) |
DISC_PERS | Persistence measurement |
DISC_STR | Discontinuity wall strength |
DISC_WETH | Discontinuity wall weathering |
DISC_SEEP | Seepage rating |
DISC_FLOW | Water flow estimate |
DISC_REM | Remarks |
DCPT_CBLO | Cumulative blows |
DCPT_PEN | Penetration at DCPT_CBLO |
DCPT_DEL | Delay before increment started |
DCPT_REM | Test reading remarks |
DETL_TOP | Depth to top of detail description |
DETL_BASE | Depth to base of detail description |
DETL_DESC | Detail description |
CORE_TOP | Depth to top of core run |
CORE_BASE | Depth to base of core run |
CORE_PREC | Percentage of core recovered in core run (TCR) |
CORE_SREC | Percentage of solid core recovered in core run (SCR) |
CORE_RQD | Rock Quality Designation for core run (RQD) |
CORE_DIAM | Core diameter |
CORE_DURN | Time taken to drill core run |
CORE_REM | Remarks |
DCPG_DATE | Test date |
DCPG_TESN | Test reference |
DCPG_DPTH | Depth from surface to start of test |
DCPG_ZERO | Zero reading |
DCPG_LREM | Details of surface and base layers removed prior to/during the test (if applicable) |
DCPG_REM | Test remarks |
DCPG_ENV | Details of weather and environmental conditions during test |
DCPG_METH | Test method |
DCPG_CONT | Name of testing organization |
DCPG_CRED | Accrediting body and reference number (when appropriate) |
CTRS_TESN | Test / Stage Number |
CTRS_CELL | Saturation cell pressure |
CTRS_BPWP | Saturation base porewater pressure |
CTRS_MPWP | Saturation mid-height porewater pressure |
CTRS_MPB | Saturation mid-height B value |
CTRS_BB | Saturation base B value |
CTRS_SAT | Saturation method |
CTRS_FSAT | Final saturation |
CTRS_REM | Remarks |
CTRG_CRED | Accrediting body and reference number (when appropriate) |
CTRP_CYC | Cycle number |
CTRP_CYCF | Cycle number of failure |
CTRP_PWPM | Maximum excess porewater pressure |
CTRP_MNPP | Minimum excess porewater pressure |
CTRP_MXSS | Maximum shear stress |
CTRP_MNSS | Minimum shear stress |
CTRP_AVSS | Mean shear stress |
CTRP_CSS | Cyclic shear stress ((Max-Min)/2) |
CTRP_ACVS | Average cyclic axial stress |
CTRP_ASF | Axial strain at failure |
CTRP_FPWP | Porewater pressure at failure |
CTRP_QMAX | Maximum deviatoric stress |
CTRP_QMIN | Minimum deviatoric stress |
CTRP_MNES | Mean effective stress at end of CTRD_CYC |
CTRP_EAMX | Maximum axial strain |
CTRP_EAMN | Minimum axial strain |
CTRP_FVR | Final voids ratio |
CTRP_QEMX | Deviatoric stress at maximum axial strain |
CTRP_QEMN | Deviatoric stress at minimum axial strain |
CTRP_ESEC | Secant modulus |
CTRP_DAMP | Damping ratio |
CTRP_MODE | Mode of failure |
CTRP_DIPL | Percent Difference from Programmed Load |
CTRP_OBP | Observed Performance (Visual) |
CTRP_REM | Remarks |
CTRG_TYPE | Type of test |
CTRG_MCI | Initial water/moisture content |
CTRG_MCF | Final water/moisture content |
CTRG_H2O | Description of type of water used for filter flushing, and salt content if relevant |
CTRG_SBP | Saturation back pressure |
CTRG_SATR | Initial degree of saturation after back pressure |
CTRG_IRD | Initial sample relative density |
CTRG_SDIA | Initial specimen diameter |
CTRG_HIGT | Initial height of specimen |
CTRG_TMSS | Total mass of installed specimen |
CTRG_PDEN | Particle density with prefix # if value assumed |
CTRG_MADD | Maximum density of sand |
CTRG_MIDD | Minimum density of sand |
CTRG_DDEN | Initial dry density |
CTRG_BDEN | Initial bulk density |
CTRG_IVR | Initial voids ratio |
CTRG_SAT | Method of saturation |
CTRG_DURN | Test Duration |
CTRG_REM | Remarks |
CTRG_METH | Test method |
CTRG_DEV | Deviations from the test method |
CTRG_LAB | Name of testing laboratory/organization |
CTRD_TIME | Date/time of reading |
CTRD_COND | Test conditions |
CTRD_SDIA | Specimen diameter |
CTRD_HIGH | Specimen height |
CTRD_CELL | Cell pressure |
CTRD_BPWP | Base porewater pressure |
CTRD_MPWP | Mid-plane porewater pressure |
CTRD_EAS | External axial strain |
CTRD_LAS1 | Local axial strain 1 |
CTRD_LAS2 | Local axial strain 2 |
CTRD_VOL | Volumetric strain |
CTRD_RAD | Radial strain |
CTRD_SHSN | Shear strain |
CTRD_SHST | Shear stress |
CTRD_DEV | Deviatoric stress |
CTRD_PSD | Principal stress difference |
CTRD_MEES | Mean effective stress |
CTRD_SECE | Secant Young's Modulus (Local) |
CTRD_TANE | Tangent Young's Modulus |
CTRD_FREQ | Loading frequency |
CTRD_CSTS | Cyclic amplitude |
CTRD_ACVS | Average cyclic axial stress |
CTRD_DAVS | Double amplitude axial strain |
CTRD_CESR | Compression/Extension stress ratio |
CTRD_EMPR | Excess mid-plane pore pressure ratio |
CTRD_EBPR | Excess base pore pressure ratio |
CTRD_REM | Remarks |
CONS_INCN | Oedometer stress increment |
CONS_IVR | Voids ratio at start of increment |
CONS_INCF | Stress at end of stress increment/decrement |
CONS_INCE | Voids ratio at end of stress increment |
CONS_INMV | Reported coefficient of volume compressibility |
CONS_INSC | Coefficient of secondary compression over stress increment |
CONS_CVRT | Coefficient of consolidation over stress increment determined by the root time method |
CONS_CVLG | Coefficient of consolidation over stress increment determined by the log time method |
CONS_TEMP | Average temperature over stress increment |
CONS_REM | Remarks |
CTRC_TESN | Test / Stage Number |
CTRC_CELL | Final cell pressure |
CTRC_BPWP | Base porewater pressure |
CTRC_MPWP | Mid-height porewater pressure |
CTRC_MPB | Mid-height B value |
CTRC_BB | Base B value |
CTRC_TYPE | Type of consolidation |
CTRC_BACF | Final back pressure |
CTRC_ELAP | Duration of test/stage number |
CTRC_CHGT | Specimen height at end of stage |
CTRC_DIAE | Specimen diameter at end of stage |
CTRC_MCE | Water content at end of stage |
CTRC_BDE | Bulk density at end of stage |
CTRC_DDE | Dry density at end of stage |
CTRC_RDE | Relative density index of sand at end of stage |
CTRC_INCE | Voids ratio at end of stage |
CTRC_ASE | Effective axial stress at end of stage |
CTRC_RSE | Effective radial stress at end of stage |
CTRC_SSE | Shear stress at end of stage |
CTRC_DEVE | Deviatoric stress at end of stage |
CTRC_MNSE | Mean effective stress at end of stage |
CTRC_RTOE | Ratio of radial to axial effective stress at end of stage |
CTRC_EASE | External axial strain at end of stage |
CTRC_VLSE | Volumetric strain from measured volume change at end of stage |
CTRC_RDSE | Radial strain from measured volume change at end of stage |
CTRC_B | B value |
CTRC_BETS | Bender element test sequence |
CTRC_BEAX | Bender element axis of measurement |
CTRC_BEDS | Distance between bender elements |
CTRC_MAT | Measured arrival time of propagated wave |
CTRC_MATM | Method of measuring arrival time of propagated wave |
CTRC_SWV | Calculated shear wave velocity |
CTRC_SMGM | Shear modulus Gmax |
CTRC_REM | Remarks |
CONG_HIGT | Test specimen height |
CONG_MCI | Initial water/moisture content |
CONG_MCF | Final water/moisture content |
CONG_BDEN | Initial bulk density |
CONG_DDEN | Initial dry density |
CONG_PDEN | Particle density with prefix # if value assumed |
CONG_SATR | Initial degree of saturation |
CONG_SPRS | Swelling pressure |
CONG_SATH | Height change of specimen on saturation, or flooding as percentage of original height (BS1377 Settlement on saturation test) |
CONG_IVR | Initial voids ratio |
CONG_REM | Remarks including commentary on effect of specimen disturbance on test result |
CONG_METH | Test method |
CONG_LAB | Name of testing laboratory/organization |
CONG_CRED | Accrediting body and reference number (when appropriate) |
CONG_DEV | Deviations from the test method |
CONG_MCIS | Initial water/moisture content source |
CONG_CORR | Results corrected for equipment deformation |
CMPT_TESN | Compaction point number |
CMPT_MC | Water/moisture content |
CMPT_DDEN | Dry density at CMPT_MC water/moisture content |
CMPT_REM | Remarks |
CONG_TYPE | Type of consolidation test |
CONG_COND | Sample condition |
CONG_SDIA | Test specimen diameter |
CMPG_TESN | Test number |
CMPG_TYPE | Compaction test type |
CMPG_MOLD | Compaction mould type |
CMPG_375 | Weight percent of material retained on 37.5mm sieve |
CMPG_200 | Weight percent of material retained on 20mm sieve |
CMPG_PDEN | Particle density with prefix # if value assumed |
CMPG_MAXD | Maximum dry density |
CMPG_MCOP | Water/moisture content at maximum dry density (Optimum) |
CMPG_STAB | Amount of stabiliser added |
CMPG_STYP | Type of stabiliser added |
CMPG_REM | Remarks including commentary on effect of specimen disturbance on test result |
CMPG_METH | Test method |
CMPG_LAB | Name of testing laboratory/organization |
CMPG_CRED | Accrediting body and reference number (when appropriate) |
CMPG_DEV | Deviation from the specified procedure |
CHIS_FROM | Depth at start of chiselling |
CHIS_TO | Depth at end of chiselling |
CHIS_TIME | Time taken |
CHIS_STAR | Start time |
CHIS_TOOL | Chiselling tool used |
CHIS_REM | Notes on chiselling |
CHOC_FROM | Samples despatched from |
CHOC_TO | Samples despatched to |
CHOC_DDIS | Date dispatched |
CHOC_BTCH | Batch reference |
CHOC_REM | Remarks |
CHOC_CONT | Number of sample containers |
CBRT_TESN | Test reference |
CBRT_TOP | CBR at top |
CBRT_BASE | CBR at bottom |
CBRT_MCT | Water/moisture content at top after test |
CBRT_MCBT | Water/moisture content at bottom after test |
CBRT_IMC | Initial water/moisture content |
CBRT_BDEN | Initial bulk density |
CBRT_DDEN | Initial Dry density |
CBRT_SURC | Surcharge pressure applied |
CBRT_SKDT | Details of soaking |
CBRT_SWEL | Amount of swell recorded during soaking (if applicable) |
CBRT_REM | Test specific remarks |
CDIA_DPTH | Depth of base of casing recorded in CDIA_DIAM |
CDIA_DIAM | Casing diameter |
CDIA_REM | Remarks |
CBRG_COND | Sample condition |
CBRG_NMC | Natural water/moisture content of specimen prior to test |
CBRG_200 | Weight percent retained on 20mm sieve |
CBRG_STAB | Amount of stabiliser added |
CBRG_STYP | Type of stabiliser added |
CBRG_REM | Remarks including commentary on effect of specimen disturbance on test result |
CBRG_METH | Test method including remoulding |
CBRG_LAB | Name of testing laboratory/organization |
CBRG_CRED | Accrediting body and reference number (when appropriate) |
CBRG_DEV | Deviation from the specified procedure |
BKFL_TOP | Depth to top of section |
BKFL_BASE | Depth to base of section |
BKFL_DESC | Backfill description |
BKFL_LEG | Backfill legend abbreviation |
BKFL_DATE | Date of completion of backfill |
BKFL_REM | Backfill remarks including how it was placed |
ASNS_SOUN | Aggregate soundness test |
ASNS_FRAC | Size fraction from which test portion was obtained |
ASNS_REM | Remarks |
ASNS_METH | Test method |
ASNS_LAB | Name of testing laboratory/organization |
ASNS_CRED | Accrediting body and reference number (when appropriate) |
ASNS_DEV | Deviation from the specified procedure |
AWAD_WTAB | Aggregate water absorption |
AWAD_REM | Remarks |
AWAD_METH | Test method |
AWAD_LAB | Name of testing laboratory/organization |
AWAD_CRED | Accrediting body and reference number (when appropriate) |
AWAD_DEV | Deviation from the specified procedure |
ASDI_SDI1 | First cycle slake durability index (if ASDI_SDI1 or ASDI_SDI2 is between 0% and 10%) |
ASDI_SDI2 | Second cycle slake durability index |
ASDI_SOLN | Nature and temperature of slaking fluid |
ASDI_INDR | Appearance of fragments retained in the drum |
ASDI_PADR | Appearance of fragments passing through the drum |
ASDI_REM | Remarks |
ASDI_METH | Test method |
ASDI_LAB | Name of testing laboratory/organization |
ASDI_CRED | Accrediting body and reference number (when appropriate) |
ASDI_DEV | Deviation from the specified procedure |
ARTW_FRAC | Size fraction on which sample obtained |
ARTW_TYPE | Type of test |
ARTW_MD1 | Micro-Deval coefficient for test specimen one |
ARTW_MD2 | Micro-Deval coefficient for test specimen two |
ARTW_MDE | Mean micro-Deval value (dry) |
ARTW_MDS | Mean micro-Deval value (wet) |
ARTW_DATE | Date control 2 polished stone value first run |
ARTW_REM | Remarks |
ARTW_METH | Test method |
ARTW_LAB | Name of testing laboratory/organization |
ARTW_CRED | Accrediting body and reference number (when appropriate) |
ARTW_DEV | Deviation from the specified procedure |
APSV_AAV | Aggregate polished stone value |
APSV_REM | Remarks |
APSV_METH | Test method |
APSV_LAB | Name of testing laboratory/organization |
APSV_CRED | Accrediting body and reference number (when appropriate) |
APSV_DEV | Deviation from the specified procedure |
AIVT_PDEN | Particle density of size fraction between 8 mm and 12.5mm |
AIVT_REM | Remarks |
AIVT_METH | Test method |
AIVT_LAB | Name of testing laboratory/organization |
AIVT_CRED | Accrediting body and reference number (when appropriate) |
AIVT_DEV | Deviation from the specified procedure |
ALOS_LOSA | Los Angeles coefficient |
ALOS_LOPW | Los Angeles percentage wear |
ALOS_LOWR | Los Angeles wear ratio |
ALOS_FRAC | Size fraction from which test portion was obtained |
ALOS_CHAR | Ball load or charge grading |
ALOS_REM | Remarks |
ALOS_METH | Test method |
ALOS_LAB | Name of testing laboratory/organization |
ALOS_CRED | Accrediting body and reference number (when appropriate) |
ALOS_DEV | Deviation from the specified procedure |
AIVT_AIV1 | Aggregate impact value test 1 |
AIVT_AIV2 | Aggregate impact value test 2 |
AIVT_AIV | Mean aggregate impact value |
AIVT_FRAC | Size fraction from which test portion was obtained |