
Abbreviations used across the geotechnical field.

General lists of abbreviations
List Definition
N SPT Standard penetration test number
N60 Corrected field N SPT value (based on energy)
(N1)60 N60 value corrected for overburden factor
TCR Total core recovery
SCR Solid core recovery
RQD Rock quality designation
CL Chloride concentration
PH pH number or acidity
SC Sulphate content
LL Liquid limit
PL Plastic limit
PI Plasticity index
UCS Uniaxial compressive strength of rocks
BGL Below ground level
EGL Existing ground level
GWL Groundwater level
WL or WT Water level or water table
CPT Cone penetration test
AGS file Abbreviations (Groups and Headings)
List Definition
PROJ_ID Project identifier
PROJ_NAME Project title
PROJ_LOC Location of site
PROJ_CLNT Client name
PROJ_CONT Contractors name
PROJ_ENG Project Engineer
PROJ_MEMO General project comments
ABBR_HDNG Field heading in group
ABBR_CODE Abbreviation used
ABBR_DESC Description of abbreviation
ABBR_LIST Source of abbreviation
ABBR_REM Remarks
DICT_GRP Group name
DICT_HDNG Heading name
(Note: This data is REQUIRED DICT_TYPE=""HEADING"")
(Note: This data is REQUIRED where DICT_TYPE=""HEADING"")
DICT_DTYP Type of data and format
(Note: This data is REQUIRED DICT_TYPE=""HEADING"")
DICT_DESC Description
(Note: This data is REQUIRED DICT_TYPE=""HEADING"")
DICT_PGRP Parent group name
(Note: This data is REQUIRED DICT_TYPE=""GROUP"")
DICT_REM Remarks
FILE_NAME File name
FILE_DESC Description of content
FILE_TYPE File type
FILE_PROG Parent program and version number
FILE_DOCT Document type
FILE_DATE File date
FILE_REM Comments on file
TRAN_ISNO Issue sequence reference
TRAN_DATE Date of production of data file
TRAN_PROD Data file producer
TRAN_STAT Status of data within submission
TRAN_DESC Description of data transferred
TRAN_AGS AGS Edition Reference
TRAN_RECV Data file recipient
TRAN_DLIM Record Link data type Delimiter
TRAN_RCON Concatenator
TRAN_REM Remarks
TYPE_TYPE Data type code
TYPE_DESC Description
UNIT_DESC Description
UNIT_REM Remarks
SAMP_REF Sample reference
SAMP_TYPE Sample type
SAMP_ID Sample unique identifier
SPEC_REF Specimen reference
SPEC_DPTH Depth to top of test specimen
SPEC_DESC Specimen description
SPEC_PREP Details of specimen preparation including time between preparation and testing
AAVT_AAV Aggregate Abrasion Value
AAVT_REM Remarks
AAVT_METH Test method
AAVT_LAB Name of testing laboratory/organization
AAVT_CRED Accrediting body and reference number (when appropriate)
AAVT_DEV Deviation from the specified procedure
LOCA_ID Location identifier
SAMP_TOP Depth to top of sample
ACVT_ACV Aggregate Crushing Value
ACVT_FRAC Size fraction from which test portion was obtained
ACVT_REM Remarks
ACVT_METH Test method
ACVT_LAB Name of testing laboratory/organization
ACVT_CRED Accrediting body and reference number (when appropriate)
ACVT_DEV Deviation from the specified procedure
WSTG_DPTH Depth to water strike
WSTD_NMIN Minutes after strike
WSTD_POST Depth to water after WSTD_NMIN minutes
WSTD_REM Remarks
WSTG_DTIM Date and time of water strike
WSTG_SEAL Depth at which water strike sealed by casing
WSTG_CAS Casing depth at time of water strike
WSTG_REM Remarks
WINS_TESN Sampler run reference
WINS_TOP Top of sampling run
WINS_BASE Base of sampling run
WINS_DIAM Internal diameter of sampler
WINS_DURN Duration of sampling run
WINS_REC Sample recovery
WINS_REM Remarks about sampling run
WGPG_ID Test reference
WGPG_TOOL Tool used
WGPT_PARA Parameter recorded by tool WGPG_TOOL
WGPT_UNIT Test result units
WGPT_DPTH Depth of reading
WGPT_CAS Borehole casing details at depth of reading
WGPT_REM Remarks
WGPG_DATE Test date
WGPG_STRT Test start depth
WGPG_STOP Test stop depth
WGPG_WAT Depth of water in borehole
WGPG_DETL Details of instrument
WGPG_BHD Depth of borehole
WGPG_REM Remarks
WGPG_ENV Details of weather and environmental conditions during test
WGPG_METH Measurement method
WGPG_CONT Contractor who undertook testing
WGPG_CRED Accrediting body and reference number (Where appropriate)
WGPG_STAT Test status
WETH_TOP Depth to top of weathering subdivision
WETH_BASE Depth to base of weathering subdivision
WETH_SCH Weathering scheme
WETH_SYS Material or mass weathering system
WETH_WETH Weathering classifier for WETH_SCH and WETH_SYS
WETH_REM Remarks
WADD_REM Remarks related to addition of water requirements, method
WADD_TOP Depth to top of reported section
WADD_BASE Depth to base of reported section
WADD_VOLM Amount of water added
WADD_METH Boring/drilling method associated with addition of water (HDPH_TYPE abbreviation)
TRIT_TESN Triaxial test/stage reference
TRIT_SDIA Specimen diameter
TRIT_SLEN Specimen length
TRIT_IMC Specimen initial water/moisture content
TRIT_FMC Specimen final water/moisture content
TRIT_CELL Total cell pressure
TRIT_DEVF Corrected deviator stress at failure
TRIT_BDEN Initial bulk density
TRIT_DDEN Initial dry density
TRIT_STRN Axial strain at failure
TRIT_CU Undrained Shear Strength at failure
TRIT_MODE Mode of failure
TRIT_REM Comments
TRIT_FZWC Failure zone water content, if measured
TRIT_RATE Mean rate of shear
TRIG_TYPE Test type
TRIG_COND Sample condition
TRIG_REM Remarks including commentary on effect of specimen disturbance on test result
TRIG_METH Test method
TRIG_LAB Name of testing laboratory/organization
TRIG_CRED Accrediting body and reference number (when appropriate)
TRIG_DEV Deviation from the specified procedure
TREM_DTIM Date and time of remark or start of event
TREM_COMP Component or sub-activity
TREM_REM Time related remark
TREM_DURN Duration of event or activity
TREM_ETIM Date and time of end of event
TRET_TESN Triaxial test/stage number
TRET_SDIA Specimen diameter
TRET_LEN Specimen length
TRET_IMC Specimen initial water/moisture content
TRET_FMC Specimen final water/moisture content
TRET_BDEN Initial bulk density
TRET_DDEN Initial dry density
TRET_SAT Method of saturation
TRET_CONS Details of consolidation stage
TRET_CONP Effective stress at end of consolidation/start of shear stage
TRET_CELL Total cell pressure during shearing stage
TRET_PWPI Porewater pressure at start of shear stage
TRET_STRR Rate of axial strain during shear
TRET_STRN Axial strain at failure
TRET_DEVF Deviator stress at failure
TRET_PWPF Porewater pressure at failure
TRET_STV Volumetric strain at failure (drained only)
TRET_MODE Mode of failure
TRET_REM Comments
TRET_BACK Final back pressure applied prior to shearing
TRET_VERT Vertical strain at end of consolidation
TRET_VOLM Volumetric strain at end of consolidation
TRET_RATE Rate of volumetric strain immediately prior to shearing
TRET_BVAL Final B-value prior to shearing
TRET_DRN Type of drainage conditions during shear
TRET_MEMB Membrane corrections applied at failure
TRET_FILC Filter paper corrections applied at failure
TRET_IVR Initial voids ratio
TRET_SATR Saturation percentage
TRET_CVP Effective vertical pressure at end of consolidation
TRET_CRP Effective radial pressure at end of consolidation
TRET_MEAN Peak mean effective stress during shear
TRET_CU Undrained shear strength at failure
TRET_EP50 Strain at 50% peak deviator stress
TRET_E50 Secant modulus at 50% peak deviator stress
TNPC_DEV Deviation from the specified procedure
TREG_DEV Any deviation from the procedure or specified test conditions
TREG_TYPE Test type
TREG_COND Sample condition
TREG_COH Cohesion intercept associated with TREG_PHI
TREG_PHI Angle of friction for effective shear strength triaxial test
TREG_FCR Failure criterion
TREG_REM Remarks including commentary on effect of specimen disturbance on test result
TREG_METH Test method
TREG_LAB Name of testing laboratory/organization
TREG_CRED Accrediting body and reference number (when appropriate)
TEST_STAT Test status
PROJ Project Information
ABBR Abbreviation Definitions
DICT User Defined Groups and Headings
FILE Associated Files
TRAN Data File Transmission Information / Data Status
TYPE Definition of Data Types
UNIT Definition of Units
AAVT Aggregate Abrasion Tests
ACVT Aggregate Crushing Value Tests
AELO Aggregate Elongation Index Tests
AFLK Aggregate Flakiness Tests
AIVT Aggregate Impact Value Tests
ALOS Los Angeles Abrasion Tests
APSV Aggregate Polished Stone Tests
ARTW Aggregate Determination of the Resistance to Wear (micro-Deval)
ASDI Slake Durability Index Tests
ASNS Aggregate Soundness Tests
AWAD Aggregate Water Absorption Tests
BKFL Exploratory Hole Backfill Details
CBRG California Bearing Ratio Tests – General
CBRT California Bearing Ratio Tests - Data
CDIA Casing Diameter by Depth
CHIS Chiselling Details
CHOC Chain of Custody Information
CMPG Compaction Tests - General
CMPT Compaction Tests - Data
CONG Consolidation Tests - General
CONS Consolidation Tests - Data
CORE Coring Information
CTRC Cyclic Triaxial Tests - Consolidation
CTRD Cyclic Triaxial Tests - Data
CTRG Cyclic Triaxial Test - General
CTRP Cyclic Triaxial Test - Derived Parameters
CTRS Cyclic Triaxial Tests - Saturation
DCPG Dynamic Cone Penetrometer Tests – General
DCPT Dynamic Cone Penetrometer Tests – Data
DETL Stratum Detail Descriptions
DISC Discontinuity Data
DLOG Driller Geological Description
DOBS Drilling/Advancement Observations & Parameters
DPRG Dynamic Probe Tests - General
DPRB Dynamic Probe Tests - Data
DREM Depth Related Remarks
ECTN Sample Container Details
ELRG Environmental Laboratory Reporting
ERES Environmental Contaminant Testing
ESCG Effective Stress Consolidation Tests – General
ESCT Effective Stress Consolidation Tests - Data
FGHG Field Geohydraulic Testing - General
FGHI Field Geohydraulic Testing - Instrumentation Details
FGHS Field Geohydraulic Testing - Test Results (per stage)
FGHT Field Geohydraulic Testing - Test Results
FLSH Drilling Flush Details
FRAC Fracture Spacing
FRST Frost Susceptibility Tests
GCHM Geotechnical Chemistry Testing
GEOL Field Geological Descriptions
GRAG Particle Size Distribution Analysis - General
GRAT Particle Size Distribution Analysis - Data
HDIA Hole Diameter by Depth
HDPH Depth Related Exploratory Hole Information
HORN Exploratory Hole Orientation and Inclination
ICBR In Situ California Bearing Ratio Tests
IDEN In Situ Density Tests
IFID On Site Volatile Headspace Testing Using Flame Ionisation Detector
IPEN In Situ Hand Penetrometer Tests
IPID On Site Volatile Headspace Testing by Photo Ionisation Detector
IPRG In Situ Permeability Tests - General
IPRT In Situ Permeability Tests - Data
IRDX In Situ Redox Tests
IRES In Situ Resistivity Tests
ISAG Soakaway Tests - General
ISAT Soakaway Tests - Data
ISPT Standard Penetration Test Results
IVAN In Situ Vane Tests
LBSG Testing Schedule
LBST Testing Schedule Details
LDEN Density Tests
LDYN Dynamic Testing
LFCN Laboratory Fall Cone Test
LLIN Linear Shrinkage Tests
LLPL Liquid and Plastic Limit Tests
LNMC Water/moisture Content Tests
LOCA Location Details
LPDN Particle Density Tests
LPEN Laboratory Hand Penetrometer Tests
LRES Laboratory Resistivity Tests
LSLT Shrinkage Limit Tests
LSTG Initial Consumption of Lime Tests - General
LSTT Initial Consumption of Lime Tests - Data
LSWL Swelling Index Testing
LTCH Laboratory Thermal Conductivity
LUCT Laboratory Unconfined Compression Test
LVAN Laboratory Vane Tests
MCVG MCV Tests - General
MCVT MCV Tests - Data
MOND Monitoring Readings
MONG Monitoring Installations and Instruments
PIPE Monitoring Installation Pipe Work
PLTG Plate Loading Tests - General
PLTT Plate Loading Tests - Data
PMTD Pressuremeter Test Data
PMTG Pressuremeter Test Results - General
PMTL Pressuremeter Test Results - Individual Loops
PREM Project Specific Time Related Remarks
PTIM Boring/Drilling Progress by Time
PTST Laboratory Permeability Tests
PUMG Pumping Tests - General
PUMT Pumping Tests - Data
RCAG Rock Abrasiveness Tests - General
RCAT Rock Abrasiveness Tests - Data
RCCV Chalk Crushing Value Tests
RDEN Rock Porosity and Density Tests
RELD Relative Density Tests
RESC Resonant Column Test - Consolidation
RESD Resonant Column Test - Data
RESG Resonant Column Test – General
RESP Resonant Column Test - Derived Parameters
RESS Resonant Column Test - Saturation
RPLT Point Load Testing
RSCH Schmidt Rebound Hardness Tests
RSHR Shore Scleroscope Hardness Tests
RTEN Tensile Strength Testing
RUCS Rock Uniaxial Compressive Strength and Deformability Tests
RWCO Water Content of Rock Tests
SAMP Sample Information
SCDG Static Cone Dissipation Tests - General
SCDT Static Cone Dissipation Tests - Data
SCPG Static Cone Penetration Tests - General
SCPP Static Cone Penetration Tests - Derived Parameters
SCPP_BASE Depth to base of layer
SCPP_REF Interpretation reference
SCPP_REM Remarks
SCPP_CSBT Interpreted Soil Type
SCPP_CSU Undrained Shear Strength (Su); fine soils only
SCPP_CRD Relative density (Dr); coarse soils only
SCPP_CPHI Internal Friction Angle; coarse soils only
SCPP_CIC Soil Behaviour Type Index (Ic)
SCPP_CSPT Equivalent SPT N60 value
SCDT_PWP3 Top of sleeve porewater pressure (u3)
SCDT_REM Comments
SCPG_TYPE Cone test type
SCPG_REF Cone reference
SCPG_CSA Surface area of cone tip
SCPG_RATE Nominal rate of penetration of the cone
SCPG_FILT Type of filter material used
SCPG_FRIC Friction reducer used
SCPG_WAT Groundwater level at time of test
SCPG_WATA Origin of water level in SCPG_WAT
SCPG_REM Comments on testing and basis of any interpreted parameters included in SCPT and SCPP
SCPG_ENV Details of weather and environmental conditions during test
SCPG_CONT Subcontractors name
SCPG_METH Standard followed for testing
SCPG_CRED Accrediting body and reference number (when appropriate)
SCPG_CAR Cone area ratio used to calculate qt
SCPG_SLAR Sleeve area ratio used to calculate ft
SCDT_PWP1 Face porewater pressure (u1)
SCDT_PWP2 Shoulder porewater pressure (u2)
SCDG_DPTH Depth of dissipation test
SCDG_PWPI Measured or assumed initial pore water pressure
SCDG_PWPE Measured or assumed equilibrium pore water pressure
SCDG_DDIS Degree of dissipation for analysis
SCDG_T Time to achieve degree of dissipation stated in SCDG_DDIS
SCDG_CV Coefficient of consolidation (vertical)
SCDG_CVMT Method(s) used to determine vertical coefficient of consolidation
SCDG_CH Coefficient of consolidation (horizontal)
SCDG_CHMT Method(s) used to determine horizontal coefficient of consolidation
SCDG_REM Remarks
SAMP_REM Sample remarks
SAMP_DESC Sample/specimen description
SAMP_DESD Date sample described
SAMP_LOG Person responsible sample/specimen description for
SAMP_COND Condition and representativeness of sample
SAMP_TEMP Sample temperature at time sampling of
SAMP_ETIM Date and time sampling completed
SAMP_LINK Sample record link
SAMP_FLOW Gas flow rate
SAMP_DURN Sampling duration
GEOL_STAT Stratum reference shown on trial pit or traverse sketch
SCDT_SECS Seconds elapsed since start of test
SAMP_BASE Depth to base of sample
SAMP_UBLO Number of blows required to drive sampler
SAMP_SDIA Sample diameter
SAMP_RECV Percentage of sample recovered
SAMP_MATX Sample matrix
SAMP_CLSS Sample classification as required by EN ISO 14688-1
SAMP_BAR Barometric pressure at time sampling of
SAMP_PRES Gas pressure (above barometric)
SAMP_CAPT Caption used to describe sample
FILE_FSET Associated file reference (e.g. sampling field sheets, sample description records)
SAMP_RECL Length of sample recovered
SCDT_RES Cone resistance
SAMP_DTIM Date and time sample taken
SAMP_CONT Sample container
SAMP_PREP Details of sample preparation at time of sampling
SAMP_WDEP Depth to water below ground surface at time of sampling
SAMP_TECH Sampling technique/method
SAMP_TYPC Sample QA type (Normal, blank or spike)
SAMP_WHO Sampler's initials or name
SAMP_WHY Reason for sampling
RWCO_MC Water content
RWCO_TEMP Temperature sample dried at
RWCO_REM Remarks
RWCO_METH Test method
RWCO_LAB Name of testing laboratory/organization
RWCO_CRED Accrediting body and reference number (when appropriate)
RWCO_DEV Deviation from the specified procedure
RUCS_SDIA Specimen diameter
RUCS_LEN Specimen length
RUCS_MC Water content of specimen tested
RUCS_COND Condition of specimen as tested
RUCS_DURN Test duration
RUCS_STRA Stress rate
RUCS_UCS Uniaxial compressive strength
RUCS_MODE Mode of failure
RUCS_E Young's modulus (GPa)
RUCS_MU Poisson's ratio (2DP)
RUCS_ESTR Stress level at which modulus has been measured
RUCS_ETYP Method of determination of Young's modulus (PA)
RUCS_MACH Type of testing machine
RUCS_REM Remarks
RUCS_METH Test method
RUCS_LAB Name of testing laboratory/organization
RUCS_CRED Accrediting body and reference number (when appropriate)
RUCS_DEV Deviation from the specified procedure
RUCS_ESEC Young's modulus, secant
RUCS_ETAN Young's modulus, tangent
RUCS_EAVG Young's modulus, average (mean)
RUCS_SSEC Stress level at which secant Young's modulus has been measured
RUCS_STAN Stress level at which tangent Young's modulus has been measured
RUCS_SAVG Stress level at which average (mean) Young's modulus has been measured
RUCS_MUS Poisson's ratio, secant
RUCS_MUT Poisson's ratio, tangent
RUCS_MUAV Poisson's ratio, average (mean)
RTEN_SDIA Specimen diameter
RTEN_LEN Specimen thickness
RTEN_MC Water content of test specimen
RTEN_COND Condition of specimen as tested
RTEN_DURN Test duration
RTEN_STRA Stress rate
RTEN_TENS Tensile strength
RTEN_MODE Mode of failure
RTEN_MACH Testing machine
RTEN_REM Remarks
RTEN_METH Test method
RTEN_LAB Name of testing laboratory/organization
RTEN_CRED Accrediting body and reference number
RTEN_DEV Deviation from the specified procedure
RSHR_SHOR Average Shore hardness value
RSHR_AXIS Orientation of the test surface relative to bedding
RSHR_NUM Number of tests conducted
RSHR_REM Remarks
RSHR_METH Test method
RSHR_LAB Name of testing laboratory/organization
RSHR_CRED Accrediting body and reference number
RSHR_DEV Deviation from the specified procedure
RPLT_PLS Uncorrected point load (Is)
RPLT_PLSI Size corrected point load index (Is 50)
RPLT_PLTF Point load test type
RPLT_MC Water content of point load test specimen
RPLT_REM Remarks
RPLT_METH Test method
RPLT_LAB Name of testing laboratory/organization
RPLT_CRED Accrediting body and reference number
RPLT_DEV Deviation from the specified procedure
RSCH_SCHV Schmidt hardness value
RSCH_AXIS Orientation of the hammer axis in the test from horizontal (positive numbers downwards and negative numbers upward)
RSCH_CLAM Method of clamping specimen
RSCH_REM Remarks
RSCH_METH Test method
RSCH_LAB Name of testing laboratory/organization
RSCH_CRED Accrediting body and reference number
RSCH_DEV Deviation from the specified procedure
RSCH_STYP Specimen type
RSCH_EXCV Method of excavation or block production
RSCH_DIAM Specimen diameter
RSCH_LEN Specimen length
RSCH_WC Water content of specimen, if measured
RSCH_WCTX Description of water content if not measured
RSCH_HTYP Hammer type
RSCH_ORN Orientation of hammer axis with reference to intact rock anisotropy features (e.g. lamination, foliation, schistosity, lineation)
RSCH_MEAN Schmidt hardness mean (normalized to horizontal impact direction)
RSCH_MED Schmidt hardness median (normalized to horizontal impact direction)
RSCH_MODE Schmidt hardness mode (normalized to horizontal impact direction)
RSCH_RANG Schmidt hardness range (normalized to horizontal impact direction)
RSCH_NUM Number of determinations if less than 20 and reason
RESS_TESN Test / Stage Number
RESS_INC Pressure increment
RESS_DIFF Differential pressure used
RESS_CELL Final cell pressure
RESS_BPWP Final base porewater pressure
RESS_STRN Final axial strain
RESS_MCF Final water content
RESS_BDEN Final bulk density
RESS_DDEN Final dry density
RESS_FVR Final voids ratio
RESS_FSAT Final degree of saturation
RESS_B Final B value
RESS_REM Remarks
RESD_TESN Test / Stage Number
RESD_MNUM Measurement Number
RESP_CTYP Type of Consolidation
RESP_CSTG Consolidation Stage
RESP_CELL Isotropic/Anisotropic Consolidation Cell Pressure
RESP_BACK Isotropic/Anisotropic Consolidation Back Pressure
RESP_ERSC Effective Radial Stress During Consolidation
RESP_EASC Effective Axial Stress During Consolidation
RESP_DEV Deviator Stress at End of Isotropic/Anisotropic Consolidation
RESP_VOLS Change to Volumetric Strain During Isotropic/Anisotropic Consolidation
RESP_STRN Axial Strain After Isotropic/Anisotropic Consolidation
RESP_SMOD Shear Modulus G0
RESP_SSTR Mean Effective Stress
RESP_DAMP Damping Ratio
RESP_SMRA Normalised Shear Modulus by Maximum Shear Modulus
RESP_SR Slippage Ratio
RESP_REM Remarks
RESD_BP Back Pressure
RESD_AXL Axial Stress
RESD_BPWP Base Pore Water Pressure
RESD_MPWP Mid-height Pore Water Pressure
RESD_PPR Pore Pressure Ratio
RESD_PWPM Maximum Excess Pore Water Pressure
RESD_EAS External Axial Strain
RESD_VOL Volumetric Strain
RESD_DEV Principal Stress Difference
RESD_MEES Mean Effective Stress
RESD_MIPS Minor Principal Stress (sigma 3)
RESD_MAPS Major Principal Stress (sigma 1)
RESD_AVSS Average Shear Strain
RESD_SM Shear Modulus
RESD_DMP Damping
RESD_REM Remarks
RESG_COND Sample condition
RESG_CONS Specific condition statements
RESG_DRAG Type of Drainage
RESG_ORNT Orientation of Specimen
RESG_SDIA Initial specimen diameter
RESG_HIGT Initial specimen Height
RESG_MCI Initial Water/moisture Content
RESG_MCF Final Water/moisture Content
RESG_BDEN Initial Bulk Density
RESG_DDEN Initial Dry Density
RESG_MIDD Minimum dry density for sand
RESG_MADD Maximum dry density for sand
RESG_IRDI Initial relative density index
RESG_IVR Initial void ratio
RESG_ISAT Initial degree of saturation
RESG_PDEN Particle density with prefix # if value assumed
RESG_DAMP Damping measurement method
RESG_DEV Deviation from the specified procedure
RESG_REM Remarks
RESG_METH Test method
RESG_LAB Name of testing laboratory/organization
RESG_CRED Accrediting body and reference number (when appropriate)
RESD_CNDS Test Conditions
RESD_SDIA Specimen Diameter
RESD_HIGH Specimen Height
RESD_CELL Cell Pressure
RELD_DEV Deviation from the specified procedure
RESC_SDIA Specimen diameter
RESC_HIGH Specimen height
RESC_CTYP Type of consolidation
RESC_ELAP Duration of stage
RESC_CHGT Specimen height at end of test/stage
RESC_CDIA Specimen diameter at end of test/stage
RESC_CMC Water content at end of test/stage
RESC_CDDN Dry density at end of test/stage
RESC_CRD Relative density at end of test/stage
RESC_INCE Voids ratio at end of test/stage
RESC_EASC Effective axial stress during consolidation at end of test/stage
RESC_ERSC Effective radial stress during consolidation at end of test/stage
RESC_DEVS Deviatoric stress at end of test/stage
RESC_SHRS Shear stress at end of test/stage
RESC_MNES Mean effective stress at end of test/stage
RESC_AXSN Axial strain at end of test/stage
RESC_VLSN Volumetric strain from measured volume change at end of test/stage
RESC_RDSN Radial strain from measured volume change
RESC_BESE Bender element test sequence
RESC_BEAX Bender element axis of measurement
RESC_DBTE Distance between bender elements
RESC_MAT Measured arrival time of propagated wave
RESC_MATM Method of measuring arrival time of propagated wave
RESC_SWV Calculated shear wave velocity
RESC_SMGM Shear modulus Gmax from bender elements
RESC_REM Remarks
RELD_DMAX Maximum dry density
RELD_375 Weight percent of sample retained on 37.5mm sieve
RELD_063 Weight percent of sample retained on 6.3mm sieve
RELD_020 Weight percent of sample retained on 2mm sieve
RELD_DMIN Minimum dry density
RELD_REM Remarks on test
RELD_METH Test method
RELD_LAB Name of testing laboratory/organization
RELD_CRED Accrediting body and reference number (when appropriate)
RCCV_DEV Deviation from the specified procedure
RDEN_MC Water content of specimen
RDEN_SMC Saturated water content
RDEN_BDEN Bulk density
RDEN_DDEN Dry density
RDEN_PORO Porosity
RDEN_PDEN Apparent particle density
RDEN_TEMP Temperature sample dried at
RDEN_REM Remarks
RDEN_METH Test method
RDEN_LAB Name of testing laboratory/organization
RDEN_CRED Accrediting body and reference number (when appropriate)
RDEN_IDEN Intact dry density
RDEN_DEV Deviation from the specified procedure
RCCV_MC Water content of specimen tested
RCCV_CCV Chalk crushing value
RCCV_100 Percentage larger than 10mm in original sample
RCCV_REM Remarks
RCCV_METH Test method
RCCV_LAB Name of testing laboratory/organization
RCCV_CRED Accrediting body and reference number (when appropriate)
RCAG_ANIS Planes of weakness or anisotropy present (bedding, schistosity, etc)
RCAG_MACH Type of apparatus
RCAG_MMTD Measurement method (side view, top view, optical, digital)
RCAG_CAIM CAI mean value
RCAG_CAIS CAI standard deviation
RCAG_ABCL Abrasiveness classification
RCAG_REM Remarks
RCAG_METH Test method
RCAG_LAB Name of testing laboratory/organization
RCAG_CRED Accrediting body and reference number (when appropriate)
Heading Description
RCAT_TESN Measurement number
RCAT_CUT Surface condition (rough, saw-cut)
RCAT_SDIR Direction of scratching with respect to planes of weakness or anisotropy
RCAT_STYH Rockwell hardness HRC of stylus
RCAT_STYC Stylus condition (new or re- sharpened)
RCAT_CAI As measured CAI value
RCAT_CAIS Equivalent CAI value at standard stylus hardness HRC 55
RCAT_REM Remarks
PUMT_DTIM Date and time of reading
PUMT_DPTH Depth to water below ground
PUMT_QUAT Pumping rate from hole
PUMT_REM Remarks
RCAG_DEV Deviation from the specified procedure
RCAG_DATE Date of test
RCAG_COND Condition of specimen as tested (saturated, as received, air dried, oven dried, etc)
RCAG_GSIZ Maximum grain size
PTST_LAB Name of testing laboratory/organization
PTST_CRED Accrediting body and reference number (when appropriate)
PTST_DEV Deviations from the test method
PTST_WCIS Initial water content source
PTST_WCF Final water content of test specimen
PTST_FSAT Final degree of saturation, if determined
PTST_TEMP Average laboratory temperature at which the test was performed
PTST_SOUR Source of permeameter water
PTST_BACK Back pressure
PTST_BVAL B-value, if used
PTST_LOSS Equipment head loss corrections applied to the measurements, if any, and the associated flow rates
PUMG_TEST Test reference
PUMG_CONT Contractor
PUMG_METH Method of testing
PUMG_CRED Accrediting body and reference number (when appropriate)
PUMG_ENV Details of weather and environmental conditions during test
PUMG_REM Remarks on test
PTST_TESN Test reference
PTST_COND Sample condition
PTST_SZUN Size cut off of material too coarse for testing
PTST_UNS Proportion of material removed above PTST
PTST_DIAM Specimen diameter
PTST_LEN Specimen length
PTST_MC Initial water/moisture content of test specimen
PTST_BDEN Initial bulk density of test specimen
PTST_DDEN Initial dry density
PTST_IDIA Diameter of drain for permeability in hydraulic cell
PTST_DMET Method of forming central drain
PTST_VOID Initial voids ratio
PTST_K Coefficient of permeability
PTST_TSTR Mean effective stress at which permeability measured (when measured in triaxial or hydraulic cell).
PTST_HYGR Hydraulic gradient at which permeability measured (for constant head test).
PTST_ISAT Initial degree of saturation
PTST_SAT Details of saturation, appropriate
PTST_CONS Details of consolidation, where appropriate
PTST_PDEN Particle density with prefix # if value assumed
PTST_TYPE Type of permeability measurement
PTST_CELL Type of permeameter
PTST_REM Remarks on test
PTST_METH Test method
PREM_DTIM Date and time of remark or start of event
PREM_COMP Component or sub-activity
PREM_REM Time related remark
PREM_DURN Duration of event or activity
PREM_ETIM Date and time of end of event
PTIM_DTIM Date and time of progress reading
PTIM_DPTH Hole depth
PTIM_CAS Depth of casing
PTIM_WAT Depth to water
PTIM_REM Remarks
PMTG_DPTH Depth of test
PMTL_LNO Unload/reload loop number
PMTL_GAA Unload/reload shear modulus, average
PMTL_SINC Mean strain
PMTL_PINC Mean pressure
PMTL_STRA Strain range or amplitude
PMTL_PRSA Pressure range or amplitude
PMTL_NLSA Shear stress coefficient (from Bolton and Whittle, 1999)
PMTL_NLSB Linearity exponent (from Bolton and Whittle, 1999)
PMTL_REM Remarks
PMTL_AXIS Arm combination used for analysis
PMTG_TESN Test reference
PMTD_SEQ Sequence number
PMTD_TPC Total pressure
PMTD_PPA Pore pressure cell A
PMTD_PPB Pore pressure cell B
PMTD_VOL Volume change in test cell
PMTD_REM Remarks
PMTD_AX1 Axis 1 displacement
PMTD_AX2 Axis 2 displacement
PMTD_AX3 Axis 3 displacement
PMTD_SA1 Arm 1 displacement
PMTD_SA2 Arm 2 displacement
PMTD_SA3 Arm 3 displacement
PMTD_SA4 Arm 4 displacement
PMTD_SA5 Arm 5 displacement
PMTD_SA6 Arm 6 displacement
PMTD_SAME Mean arm displacement
PLTT_STG Load stage
PLTT_TIME Stage elapsed time
PLTT_LOAD Applied load
PLTT_SET1 Settlement Gauge 1
PLTT_SET2 Settlement Gauge 2
PLTT_SET3 Settlement Gauge 3
PLTT_SET4 Settlement Gauge 4
PLTT_REM Comments on reading
PMTG_DATE Date of test
PMTG_WAT Measured or assumed ground water level
PMTG_CONT Subcontractors name
PMTG_CREW Operators details
PMTG_REF Instrument reference / serial number
PMTG_TYPE Pressuremeter type
PMTG_DIAM Uninflated diameter of pressuremeter
PMTG_HO Estimated in situ horizontal stress
PMTG_GI Initial shear modulus
PMTG_CU Undrained shear strength
PMTG_PL Limit pressure
PMTG_AF Angle of friction
PMTG_AD Angle of dilation
PMTG_AFCV Angle of friction at constant volume (*cv) used
PMTG_METH Method(s) used to determine derived soil parameters (including those in PMTL).
PMTG_CRED Accrediting body and reference number (when appropriate)
PMTG_ENV Details of weather and environmental conditions during test
PMTG_REM Remarks
PMTG_NUAR Number of arms
PMTG_ORNT Bearing of arm 1 (clockwise degrees from North)
PMTG_AXIS Arm combination used for analysis
PLTG_DPTH Test depth
PLTG_TESN Test reference
PLTG_CYC Load cycle
PLTG_PDIA Plate diameter
PLTG_SEAT Seating load including apparatus mass
PLTG_FA0 Factor a0
PLTG_FA1 Factor a1
PLTG_FA2 Factor a2
PLTG_SMOD Strain modulus
PLTG_EV2 Elastic modulus for second loading cycle
PLTG_MOSR Modulus of subgrade reaction
PLTG_EMOD Elastic modulus
PLTG_DATE Test date
PLTG_STAB Amount of stabiliser added
PLTG_STYP Type of stabiliser added
PLTG_REM Remarks
PLTG_ENV Details of weather and environmental conditions during test
PLTG_METH Test method
PLTG_CONT Name of testing organization
PLTG_CRED Accrediting body and reference number (when appropriate)
MONG_INCA Inclination (measured horizontal)
MONG_INCB Inclination (measured horizontal)
MONG_INCC Inclination (measured horizontal)
MONG_RSCA Reading sign convention in direction A
MONG_RSCB Reading sign convention in direction B
MONG_RSCC Reading sign convention in direction C
MONG_REM Remarks
MONG_CONT Contractor who installed monitoring instrument
PIPE_REF Pipe reference
PIPE_TOP Top of construction zone
PIPE_BASE Base of construction zone
PIPE_DIAM Diameter of pipe
PIPE_TYPE Type of pipe
PIPE_CONS Details of pipe construction
PIPE_REM Remarks
MONG_DATE Installation date
MONG_TYPE Instrument type
MONG_DETL Details of instrument
MONG_TRZ Distance to start of response zone from LOCA_ID datum
MONG_BRZ Distance to end of response zone from LOCA_ID datum
MONG_BRGA Bearing of monitoring axis A (compass bearing)
MONG_BRGB Bearing of monitoring axis B (compass bearing)
MONG_BRGC Bearing of monitoring axis C (compass bearing)
MONG_ID Monitoring point reference
MONG_DIS Initial distance of monitoring point from LOCA_ID datum
MOND_DTIM Date and time of reading
MOND_TYPE Reading type
MOND_REF Reading reference
MOND_INST Instrument reference / serial number
MOND_UNIT Units of reading
MOND_METH Measurement method
MOND_LIM Instrument/method reading/detection limit
MOND_ULIM Instrument/method upper reading/detection (when appropriate)
MOND_NAME Client preferred name of measurement
MOND_CRED Accrediting body and reference number (when appropriate)
MOND_CONT Organization taking reading
MOND_REM Comments on reading
MCVG_NMC Natural water/moisture content below 20 mm
MCVG_STAB Amount of stabiliser added
MCVG_STYP Type of stabiliser added
MCVG_REM Remarks including commentary on effect of specimen disturbance on test result
MCVG_METH Test method
MCVG_LAB Name of testing laboratory/organization
MCVG_CRED Accrediting body and reference number (when appropriate)
MCVG_DEV Deviation from the specified procedure
MCVT_TESN Test reference
MCVT_MC Water/moisture content for MCVT_TESN
MCVT_CURV Method of interpretation of the test curve
MCVT_BDEN After test bulk density for MCVT_TESN
MCVT_DIFF Difference between initial (n) and final (3n) blows in rapid assessment test
MCVT_RAPD Stronger or weaker than pre- calibrated standard
MCVT_REM Remarks
LVAN_REM Remarks
LVAN_METH Test method, including type of vane
LVAN_LAB Name of testing laboratory/organization
LVAN_CRED Accrediting body and reference number (when appropriate)
LVAN_DEV Deviation from the specified procedure
LVAN_TYPE Vane type
MCVG_200 Weight percent of sample retained on 20 mm sieve
LVAN_VNPK Vane undrained (peak)
LVAN_VNRM Vane undrained (remoulded)
LVAN_MC Water/moisture content local to the test
LVAN_SIZE Equivalent diameter of vane
LVAN_VLEN Length of vane
LTCH_PSPA Probe spacing
LTCH_PPEN Probe penetration
LTCH_PRBE Method of probe insertion
LTCH_PART Particle grain size removed
LTCH_DEV Deviation from the procedure
LTCH_REM Remarks
LTCH_METH Test method
LTCH_LAB Name of testing laboratory/ organization
LTCH_CRED Accrediting body and reference number (when appropriate)
LUCT_DEV Deviation from the procedure
LUCT_TYPE Test type
LUCT_DIA Specimen diameter
LUCT_SLEN Specimen length
LUCT_IWC Specimen initial water content
LUCT_BDEN Initial bulk density
LUCT_DDEN Initial dry density
LUCT_RATE Mean rate of compression
LUCT_UCS Unconfined compressive strength
LUCT_STRA Strain at failure
LUCT_MODE Mode of failure
LUCT_REM Remarks
LUCT_METH Test method
LUCT_LAB Name of testing laboratory/ organization
LUCT_CRED Accrediting body and reference number (when appropriate)
LTCH_COND Sample condition
LTCH_BDEN Bulk density
LTCH_DDEN Dry density
LTCH_MC Water/moisture Content
LTCH_TCON Thermal Conductivity
LTCH_TRES Thermal Resistivity
LTCH_TEMP Ambient temperature at which test is performed
LTCH_PDIA Probe diameter
LSTT_TESN Test reference
LSTT_LCON Percentage of lime added
LSTT_PH pH of lime/soil suspension
LSTT_REM Remarks
LSWL_SWPR Swelling Pressure Index
LSWL_SWSI Swelling Strain Index
LSWL_MCI Initial water content of test specimen
LSWL_SDIA Specimen diameter
LSWL_THCK Specimen thickness
LSWL_BDEN Initial bulk density
LSWL_DDEN Initial dry density
LSWL_REM Remarks
LSWL_METH Test method
LSWL_LAB Name of testing laboratory/ organization
LSWL_CRED Accrediting body and reference number (when appropriate)
LSWL_DEV Deviation from the specified procedure
LSLT_SLIM Shrinkage limit
LSLT_SHRA Shrinkage ratio
LSLT_IDEN Initial density
LSLT_MCI Initial water/moisture content of test specimen
LSLT_425 Percentage passing 0.425mm sieve
LSLT_REM Remarks
LSLT_METH Test method
LSLT_LAB Name of testing laboratory/organization
LSLT_CRED Accrediting body and reference number (when appropriate)
LSLT_DEV Deviation from the specified procedure
LSTG_ICL Initial consumption of lime
LSTG_PH pH value used for interpretation of LSTG_ICL
LSTG_LIME Details of lime used for test
LSTG_SUIT pH of saturated lime solution (suitability)
LSTG_425 Percentage passing 0.425m sieve
LSTG_REM Remarks including commentary on effect of specimen disturbance on test result
LSTG_METH Test method
LSTG_LAB Name of testing laboratory/organization
LSTG_CRED Accrediting body and reference number (when appropriate)
LSTG_DEV Deviation from the specified procedure
LPEN_PPEN Hand penetrometer undrained shear strength
LPEN_MC Water/moisture content local to test, if measured
LPEN_REM Remarks
LPEN_METH Test method
LPEN_LAB Name of testing laboratory/organization
LPEN_CRED Accrediting body and reference number (when appropriate)
LPEN_DEV Deviation from the specified procedure
LRES_BDEN Bulk density
LRES_DDEN Dry density
LRES_MC Water/moisture content
LRES_COND Sample condition including details of remoulding
LRES_LRES Temperature corrected (20 DegC) resistivity
LRES_CDIA Diameter of container
LRES_CCSA Container cross-sectional area
LRES_CLEN Length of container
LRES_TEMP Temperature at which test performed
LRES_ELEC Type of electrodes including material
LRES_PENT Dimensions of probes, diameter, spacing, penetration into the soil specimen and whether inserted into ends or side
LRES_CSHP Shape of container
LRES_WAT Volume of water required to saturate the soil
LRES_WRES Water resistivity
LRES_PART Approximate percentage of large particles removed prior to test
LRES_REM Remarks
LRES_METH Test method
LRES_LAB Name of testing laboratory/organization
LRES_CRED Accrediting body and reference number (when appropriate)
LRES_DEV Deviation from the specified procedure
LPDN_PDEN Particle density with prefix # if value assumed
LPDN_TYPE Type of test
LPDN_REM Remarks
LPDN_METH Test method
LPDN_LAB Name of testing laboratory/organization
LPDN_CRED Accrediting body and reference number (when appropriate)
LPDN_DEV Any deviation from the specified test procedure, and any other information that could be important for interpreting the test results.
LPDN_PVOL Pycnometer volume if used and not 50ml
LPDN_GAS Identity of gas if gas pycnometer used
LOCA_NATE National Grid Easting of location or start of traverse
LOCA_NATN National Grid Northing of location or start of traverse
LOCA_GREF National grid referencing system used
LOCA_GL Ground level relative to datum of location or start of traverse
LOCA_REM General remarks
LOCA_FDEP Final depth
LOCA_STAR Date of start of activity
LOCA_PURP Purpose of activity at this location
LOCA_TERM Reason for activity termination
LOCA_ENDD End date of activity
LOCA_LETT OSGB letter grid reference
LOCA_LOCX Local grid x co-ordinate or start of traverse
LOCA_LOCY Local grid y co-ordinate or start of traverse
LOCA_LOCZ Level or start of traverse to local datum
LOCA_LREF Local grid referencing system used
LOCA_DATM Local datum referencing system used
LOCA_ETRV National Grid Easting of end of traverse
LOCA_NTRV National Grid Northing of end of traverse
LOCA_LTRV Ground level relative to datum of end of traverse
LOCA_XTRL Local grid easting of end of traverse
LOCA_YTRL Local grid northing of end of traverse
LOCA_ZTRL Local elevation of end of traverse
LOCA_LAT Latitude of location or start of traverse
LOCA_LON Longitude of location or start of traverse
LOCA_ELAT Latitude of end of traverse
LOCA_ELON Longitude of end of traverse
LOCA_LLZ Projection Format
LOCA_LOCM Method of location
LOCA_LOCA Site location sub division (within project) code or description
LOCA_CLST Investigation phase grouping code or description
LOCA_ALID Alignment Identifier
LOCA_CNGE Chainage
LOCA_TRAN Reference to or details of algorithm used to calculate local grid reference, local ground levels or chainage
LOCA_NATD National Datum Referencing System used
LOCA_ORID Original Hole ID
LOCA_ORJO Original Job Reference
LOCA_ORCO Originating Company
LNMC_MC Water/moisture content
LNMC_TEMP Temperature sample dried at
LNMC_STAB Amount of stabiliser added
LNMC_STYP Type of stabiliser added
LNMC_ISNT Is test result assumed to be a natural water/moisture content
LNMC_COMM Reason water/moisture content is assumed to be other than natural
LNMC_REM Remarks
LNMC_METH Test method
LNMC_LAB Name of testing laboratory/organization
LNMC_CRED Accrediting body and reference number (when appropriate)
LNMC_DEV Deviation from the specified procedure
LLIN_LS Linear shrinkage
LLIN_425 Percentage passing 0.425mm sieve
LLIN_PREP Method of preparation
LLIN_REM Remarks
LLIN_METH Test method
LLIN_LAB Name of testing laboratory/organization
LLIN_CRED Accrediting body and reference number (when appropriate)
LLIN_DEV Deviation from the specified procedure
LLPL_LL Liquid limit
LLPL_PL Plastic limit
LLPL_PI Plasticity Index
LLPL_425 Percentage passing 0.425mm sieve
LLPL_PREP Method of preparation
LLPL_STAB Amount of stabiliser added
LLPL_STYP Type of stabiliser added
LLPL_REM Remarks
LLPL_METH Test method
LLPL_LAB Name of testing laboratory/organization
LLPL_CRED Accrediting body and reference number (when appropriate)
LLPL_DEV Deviation from the specified procedure
LLPL_TYPE Type of test.
LLPL_POIN Number of points.
LLPL_CONE For fall cone method, type of cone.
LLPL_1PRE Mean of test readings, if one-point test.
LLPL_1PCF Correlation factor if one-point test.
LLPL_SIZE Sieve size if other than 0.425mm
LLPL_PASS Percentage passing LLPL_SIZE sieve if other than 0.425mm
LLPL_WC The water content of the specimen before removal of particles prior to determination liquid or plastic limits, if measured
LDYN_SG Shear modulus derived from LDYN_SWAV
LDYN_REM Remarks
LDYN_METH Test method
LDYN_LAB Name of testing laboratory/organization
LDYN_CRED Accrediting body and reference number (when appropriate)
LDYN_DEV Deviation from the specified procedure
LFCN_DEV Deviations from the procedure
LFCN_CMAS Mass of cone used
LFCN_CANG Angle of cone tip
LFCN_PENA Average cone penetration
LFCN_PEN1 Individual penetration point 1 if values differ by more than 0.5mm from the average, for undisturbed tests.
LFCN_PEN2 Individual penetration point 2 if values differ by more than 0.5mm from the average, for undisturbed tests.
LFCN_PEN3 Individual penetration point 3 if values differ by more than 0.5mm from the average, for undisturbed tests.
LFCN_PEN4 Individual penetration point 4 if values differ by more than 0.5mm from the average, for undisturbed tests.
LFCN_CONF Non-conforming test (due to penetration range)
LFCN_FCPK Estimated undrained fall cone shear strength
LFCN_FCRM Estimated undrained fall cone shear strength, remoulded
LFCN_WC Water content of specimen
LFCN_WCST Water content determined on specimen trimmings or other if applicable
LFCN_REM Test remarks
LFCN_METH Test method
LFCN_LAB Name of testing laboratory/organization
LFCN_CRED Accrediting body and reference number (when appropriate)
LDYN_PWAV P-wave velocity
LDYN_SWAV S-wave velocity
LDYN_EMOD Dynamic elastic modulus
LBST_DONE Date test completed
LDEN_TYPE Type of test performed
LDEN_COND Sample condition
LDEN_SMTY Type of sample
LDEN_MC Water/moisture content
LDEN_BDEN Bulk density
LDEN_DDEN Dry density
LDEN_REM Remarks
LDEN_METH Test method
LDEN_LAB Name of testing laboratory/organization
LDEN_CRED Accrediting body and reference number (when appropriate)
LDEN_DEV Specimen size if less than 50cm3 and any deviation from the specified procedure
LBSG_REF Schedule reference
LBSG_DATE Date of issue
LBSG_FROM Schedule prepared by
LBSG_TO Schedule issued to
LBSG_DUE Date schedule to be completed and reported
LBSG_REM Comments on schedule
LBSG_STAT Status of schedule
CHOC_REF Chain of custody reference
LBST_TTYP Full test method or standard
LBST_METH Method and test parameters
LBST_PREP Preparation requirements
LBST_DEPN Dependent test options
LBST_STAT Status of laboratory test
LBST_REM Remarks
LBST_DUE Test results due date
LBST_DETL Details of testing carried out or reasons for no testing possible
IVAN_DPTH Depth of vane test
IVAN_TESN Test reference
IVAN_TYPE Vane type
IVAN_IVAN Vane test result
IVAN_IVAR Vane test residual result
IVAN_DATE Test date
IVAN_REM Details of vane test, vane size
IVAN_ENV Details of weather and environmental conditions during test
IVAN_METH Test method
IVAN_CONT Name of testing organization
IVAN_CRED Accrediting body and reference number (when appropriate)
ISAG_METH Test method
ISAG_CONT Name of testing organization
ISAG_CRED Accrediting body and reference number (when appropriate)
ISAG_OPER Name of operator carrying out test
ISAG_TESN Test reference
ISAT_TIME Elapsed time
ISAT_DPTH Depth to water
ISAT_REM Remark relating to test reading
ISPT_TOP Depth to top of test
ISPT_SEAT Number of blows for seating drive
ISPT_MAIN Number of blows for main test drive
ISPT_NPEN Total penetration for seating drive and test drive
ISPT_REP SPT reported result
ISPT_CAS Casing depth at time of test
ISPT_WAT Depth to water at time of test
ISPT_TYPE Type of SPT test
ISPT_HAM Hammer serial number from manufacturer
ISPT_ERAT Energy ratio of the hammer
ISPT_SWP Self-weight penetration
ISPT_INC1 Number of blows for 1st Increment (Seating)
ISPT_INC2 Number of blows for 2nd Increment (Seating)
ISPT_INC3 Number of blows for 1st Increment (Test)
ISPT_INC4 Number of blows for 2nd Increment (Test)
ISPT_INC5 Number of blows for 3rd Increment (Test)
ISPT_INC6 Number of blows for 4th Increment (Test)
ISPT_PEN1 Penetration for 1st Increment (Seating Drive)
ISPT_PEN2 Penetration for 2nd Increment (Seating Drive)
ISPT_PEN3 Penetration for 1st Increment (Test)
ISPT_PEN4 Penetration for 2nd Increment (Test)
ISPT_PEN5 Penetration for 3rd Increment (Test)
ISPT_PEN6 Penetration for 4th Increment (Test)
ISPT_ROCK SPT carried out in soft rock
ISPT_REM Remarks
ISPT_ENV Details of weather and environmental conditions during test
ISPT_METH Test method
ISPT_CRED Accrediting body and reference number (when appropriate)
ISPT_N60 SPT 'N' value (corrected by energy ratio ISPT_ERAT)
IRES_REM Details of test e.g. electrode spacing and configuration
IRES_METH Test method
IRES_CONT Name of testing organization
ISAG_DATE Test date
ISAG_PWID Soakaway pit width
ISAG_DPTS Soakaway pit depth at start of test
ISAG_DPTE Soakaway pit depth at end of test
ISAG_PORO Fill porosity
ISAG_REM Remarks
IRDX_DPTH Depth of redox test
IRDX_TESN Test reference
IRDX_DATE Test date
IRDX_MPOT Mean value of the potential of the two platinum probes
IRDX_IRDX Redox potential
IRDX_REM Details of redox test and probe type
IRDX_ENV Details of weather and environmental conditions during test
IRDX_METH Test method
IRDX_CONT Name of testing organization
IRDX_CRED Accrediting body and reference number (when appropriate)
TEST_STAT Test status
LOCA_ID Location identifier
IRES_DPTH Depth to which in situ resistivity test relates
IRES_TESN Test reference
IRES_BASE Base depth to which in-situ resistivity test relates
IRES_TYPE Type of resistivity test
IRES_DATE Test date
IRES_IRES Mean value of the apparent resistivity
IRES_RES1 First value of apparent resistivity when more than 15% different to mean
IRES_RES2 Second value of apparent resistivity when more than 15% different to mean
IRES_CRED Accrediting body and reference number (when appropriate)
ISAG_DURN Test duration
ISAG_PLEN Soakaway pit length
ISAG_DPTE Soakaway pit depth at end of test
ISAG_CONS Description of soakaway construction
ISAG_ENV Details of weather and environmental conditions during test
IRES_ENV Details of weather and environmental conditions during test
ISAG_PDIA Soakaway pit diameter
ISAG_SI Soil infiltration rate
ISAG_PORO Fill porosity
IPEN_IPEN Hand penetrometer result
IPEN_DATE Test date
IPEN_REM Remarks on test
IPEN_ENV Details of weather and environmental conditions during test
IPEN_METH Test method
IPEN_CONT Name of testing organization
IPEN_CRED Accrediting body and reference number (when appropriate)
IPID_DATE Test date
IPID_TEMP Ambient temperature at time of test
IPID_RES Result of PID analysis
IPID_REM Remarks on test
IPID_ENV Details of weather and environmental conditions during test
IPID_METH Details of PID used and method description
IPID_CONT Name of testing organization
IPID_CRED Accrediting body and reference number (when appropriate)
IDEN_TYPE Type of density test performed
IDEN_IDEN In situ bulk density (after any calibration / corrections applied, i.e. reported value)
IDEN_MC Water/moisture content relating to in situ test (after any calibration / corrections applied, i.e. reported value)
IDEN_STAB Amount of stabiliser added
IDEN_STYP Type of stabiliser added
IDEN_REM Remarks
IDEN_ENV Details of weather and environmental conditions during test
IDEN_METH Test method
IDEN_CONT Name of testing organization
IDEN_CRED Accrediting body and reference number (when appropriate)
HORN_TOP Depth to top of exploratory hole section
HORN_BASE Depth to base of exploratory hole section
HORN_ORNT Orientation of exploratory hole section or traverse (degrees from north)
HORN_INCL Inclination of exploratory hole section or traverse (measured positively down from horizontal)
HORN_REM Remarks relating to orientation and inclination of hole section
ICBR_DPTH Depth to top of CBR test
ICBR_TESN Test reference
ICBR_MC Water/moisture content relating to test
ICBR_DATE Test date
ICBR_KENT Details of kentledge (reaction load)
ICBR_SEAT Seating force
ICBR_SURC Surcharge pressure
ICBR_REM Remarks
ICBR_ENV Details of weather and environmental conditions during test
ICBR_METH Test method
ICBR_CONT Name of testing organization
ICBR_CRED Accrediting body and reference number (when appropriate)
HDPH_TOP Depth to top of section
HDPH_BASE Depth to base of section
HDPH_TYPE Type of depth related information
HDPH_STAR Date and time of start of section
HDPH_ENDD Date and time of end of section
HDPH_CREW Name of rig/drill crew/operator
HDPH_EXC Plant used
HDPH_SHOR Shoring/support used
HDPH_STAB Stability of trial pit / trial trench or logged traverse length
HDPH_DIML Trial pit / trial trench or logged traverse length
HDPH_DIMW Trial pit / trial trench or logged traverse width
HDPH_DBIT Drill bit used
HDPH_BCON Bit condition
HDPH_BTYP Barrel type
HDPH_BLEN Barrel length
HDPH_LOG Definitive person responsible for logging the section
HDPH_LOGD Start date of hole section logging
HDPH_REM Remarks
HDPH_ENV Details of weather and environmental conditions during hole section construction
HDPH_METH Details of method of hole section construction
HDPH_CONT Drilling contractor
GRAT_SIZE Sieve or particle size
GRAG_UC Uniformity coefficient D60/D10
GRAG_VCRE Percentage of material tested greater than 63mm (cobbles)
GRAG_GRAV Percentage of material tested in range 63mm to 2mm (gravel)
GRAG_SAND Percentage of material tested in range 2mm to 63um (sand)
GRAG_SILT Percentage of material tested in range 63um to 2um (silt)
GRAG_CLAY Percentage of material tested less than 2um (clay)
GRAG_FINE Percentage less than 63um
GRAG_REM Remarks including commentary on effect of specimen disturbance on test result
GRAG_METH Test method
GRAG_LAB Name of testing laboratory/organization
GRAG_CRED Accrediting body and reference number (when appropriate)
GRAG_DEV Any deviation from the specified test procedure, and any other information that could be important for interpreting the test results.
GRAG_PDEN Particle density used in calculations with prefix # if value assumed
GRAG_PRET Method of pre-treatment, when applied
GRAG_SUFF Amount of soil tested was sufficient to comply with recommended minimum mass
GRAG_EXCL Remark if the size of the fractions is not expressed as percentage of total dry mass, together with the nature and amount of fractions excluded.
GRAG_CC Coefficient of curvature
GEOL_TOP Depth to the top of stratum
GEOL_BASE Depth to the base of description
GEOL_DESC General description of stratum
GEOL_LEG Legend code
GEOL_GEOL Geology code
GEOL_GEO2 Second geology code
GEOL_BGS BGS Lexicon code
GEOL_FORM Geological formation or stratum name
GEOL_REM Remarks
FRST_MC water/moisture content of specimens at preparation
FRST_HVE1 Frost heave, first specimen
FRST_HVE2 Frost heave, second specimen
FRST_HVE3 Frost heave, third specimen
FRST_HVE Mean heave of 3 specimens
FRST_STAB Amount of stabiliser added
FRST_STYP Type of stabiliser added
FRST_REM Notes on frost susceptibility testing as per TRRL SR 829
FRST_METH Test method
FRST_LAB Name of testing laboratory/organization
FRST_CRED Accrediting body and reference number (when appropriate)
FRST_DEV Deviations from the test method
GCHM_CODE Determinand
GCHM_METH Test method
GCHM_TTYP Test type
GCHM_RESL Test result
GCHM_UNIT Test result units
GCHM_NAME Client/laboratory preferred name of determinand
GCHM_REM Remarks on test
GCHM_LAB Name of testing laboratory/organization
GCHM_CRED Accrediting body and reference number (when appropriate)
GCHM_RTXT Reported result
GCHM_DLM Lower detection limit
SPEC_BASE Depth to base of specimen
GCHM_DEV Deviations from the test method
GCHM_SGRP Sample delivery or batch code
GCHM_LSID Laboratory sample ID
GCHM_RDAT Sample receipt date/time at laboratory
GCHM_DTIM Analysis date and time
GCHM_TEST Test or Suite Name
GCHM_IREF Instrument reference no or identifier
GCHM_ITYP Instrument type
GCHM_SIZE Size of material removed prior to test; value given indicates lowest sized material removed
GCHM_PERP Percentage of material removed
FRAC_FROM Depth to top in hole, or distance to start on traverse, of the zone
FRAC_TO Depth to base in hole, or distance to end on traverse, of the zone
FRAC_SET Discontinuity set reference
FRAC_IMAX Maximum fracture spacing over zone
FRAC_IAVE Average fracture (modal) spacing over zone
FRAC_IMIN Minimum fracture spacing over zone
FRAC_FI Fracture Index / frequency over zone (fractures per metre)
FRAC_REM Comments on fracture set
FRST_COND Sample condition
FRST_DDEN Dry density of specimens after preparation
FGHG_TESN Test reference
FGHI_INST Instrument reference / serial number
FGHT_TIME Test date / clock time of reading
FGHT_TYPE Test record type
FGHS_STG Stage number of multistage test
FGHT_DURN Elapsed time of reading during test or test stage
FGHT_RDNG Test record (reading)
FGHT_UNIT Reading units
FGHT_REM Test record remark
FLSH_TOP Depth to top of flush zone
FLSH_BASE Depth to bottom of flush zone
FLSH_TYPE Type of flush
FLSH_RETN Flush return minimum (as percentage)
FLSH_RETX Flush return maximum (as percentage)
FLSH_COL Colour of flush return
FLSH_REM Remarks
GRAT_PERP Percentage passing/finer than GRAT_SIZE
GRAT_TYPE Test type
GRAT_REM Remarks
HDIA_DPTH Depth of base of hole at the diameter recorded in HDIA_DIAM
HDIA_DIAM Hole diameter
HDIA_REM Remarks
FGHS_STTM Start of stage date / time
FGHS_ENTM End of stage date / time
FGHS_HEAD Applied head of water during test stage at centre of test zone
FGHS_FLOW Average flow rate during test stage
FGHS_IPRM Permeability for test stage
FGHS_ILUG Lugeon value for test stage
FGHS_REM Test remarks
FGHG_BASE Depth to base of test zone
FGHI_TYPE Instrument measured parameters
FGHI_DETL Details of instrument
FGHI_LOCT Instrument position
FGHI_REM Test remarks
FGHG_TOP Depth to top of test zone
FGHG_TDIA Diameter of test zone
FGHG_SDIA Inside diameter of installation standpipe or borehole casing
FGHG_ODIA Outside diameter of installation standpipe or borehole casing
FGHG_HBAS Depth of borehole during test (excluding tests in installations)
FGHG_CAS Depth of casing during test (excluding tests in installations)
FGHG_SFAC Shape factor for test zone
FGHG_SFRF Shape factor reference
FGHG_DATE Test date
FGHG_TYPE Type of test
FGHG_CNFG Test configuration
FGHG_METH Test method
FGHG_PRWL Depth to water in borehole or installation prior to test
FGHG_AWL Depth to assumed standing water level used for calculations of head during test
FGHG_HEAD Applied total head of water at centre of test zone
FGHG_FLOW Average flow rate during test
FGHG_IPRM Representative permeability for test
FGHG_ILUG Representative Lugeon value for water pressure test
FGHG_FTYP Flow type for water pressure test
FGHG_REM Test remarks
FGHG_ENV Details of weather and environmental conditions during test
FGHG_CONT Name of testing organization
FGHG_OPER Name of test operator
FGHG_CRED Accrediting body and reference number (when appropriate)
ESCG_BVAL B value at end of saturation
ESCG_SVOL Volume of water taken in during saturation
ESCG_REM Remarks including commentary on effect of specimen disturbance on test result
ESCG_METH Test method
ESCG_LAB Name of testing laboratory/organization
ESCG_CRED Accrediting body and reference number (when appropriate)
ESCG_DEV Deviations from the test method
ESCG_ISVR Voids ratio at in situ vertical stress
ESCG_ISVS In situ vertical effective stress
ESCG_ISST Axial strain at in situ vertical effective stress
ESCG_PCP Preconsolidation stress (yield stress)
ESCG_YSR Yield stress ratio (based on Casagrande Method)
ESCG_CC Compression index over stress increment
ESCG_CS Swelling index over stress increment
ESCT_INCN Consolidation stage number
ESCT_REM Additional stage specific details
ESCT_INCC Cell or diaphragm pressure applied during stage
ESCT_INCB Back pressure applied during stage
ESCT_PWP0 Pore pressure at end of undrained loading
ESCT_PWPF Pore pressure at end of consolidation stage
ESCT_INCF Effective stress at end of consolidation stage
ESCT_VR0 Voids ratio at start of increment
ESCT_VRE Voids ratio at end of stress increment
ESCT_DISS Percentage pore pressure dissipation at end of stage
ESCT_DSET Settlement measured during consolidation stage
ESCT_DVOL Volume change measured during consolidation stage
ESCT_INMV Reported coefficient of volume compressibility over stress increment
ESCT_INCV Reported coefficient of consolidation over stress increment
ESCT_INSC Coefficient of secondary compression over stress increment
ESCT_CVME Method used for deriving Cv
ESCT_TEMP Average temperature over stress increment
ESCT_INK Permeability over stress increment (t90)
ESCG_TYPE Test type
ESCG_CELL Type of equipment used
ESCG_COND Sample condition
ESCG_SDIA Test specimen diameter
ESCG_HIGT Test specimen height
ESCG_MCI Initial water/moisture content
ESCG_MCF Final water/moisture content
ESCG_BDEN Initial bulk density
ESCG_BDEF Final bulk density
ESCG_DDEN Initial dry density
ESCG_PDEN Particle density with prefix # if value assumed
ESCG_IVR Initial voids ratio
ESCG_SATR Initial degree of saturation
ESCG_LOAD Type of loading ( strain )
ESCG_DRAG Type of drainage
ESCG_PPM Pore pressure measurement location
ESCG_SPRS Swelling pressure, if measured
ESCG_SATM Method of saturation
ESCG_SINC Saturation increments
ESCG_SDIF Differential pressure during saturation
ESCG_CELF Cell or diaphragm pressure at end of saturation
ESCG_BACF Back pressure at end of saturation
ELRG_TADE Test additional descriptor
ELRG_RUNI Result unit
ELRG_LQLF Laboratory qualifiers
ELRG_NAME Determinand name
ELRG_RDEV Result deviation description(s)
ELRG_RRES Reportable result
ELRG_RDLM Reporting detection limit
ELRG_LSID Laboratory sample ID
ELRG_TEST Test/Suite
ELRG_LMTH Leachate preparation method
ELRG_METH Test method
ELRG_RVAL Result value
ELRG_TNAM Laboratory analytical name
ELRG_DETF Detect flag
ELRG_MDLM Method detection limit
ELRG_DUNI Unit of detection / quantification limits
ELRG_SGRP Sample delivery or batch code
ELRG_TORD Total or dissolved
ELRG_ITYP Instrument type
ELRG_CODE Determinand code
ELRG_MATX Laboratory test matrix
ELRG_RTYP Run type (initial or reanalysis)
ELRG_TICN Tentatively identified compound (TIC)
ELRG_RTCD Result type
ELRG_IQLF Interpreted qualifiers
ELRG_RTXT Reported result
ELRG_DCAT Determinand category
ELRG_TESN Test reference
ELRG_FDEV Flagged deviation
ELRG_DEV Result deviation description(s)
ELRG_ORG Organic
ELRG_QLM Quantification limit
ELRG_TICP Tentatively identified compound (TIC) probability
ELRG_TICT Tentatively identified compound (TIC) retention time
ELRG_RDAT Sample receipt date/time at laboratory
ELRG_DTIM Analysis date and time
ELRG_LOCN Analysis location
ELRG_DIL Dilution factor
ELRG_LDTM Leachate preparation date and time
ELRG_IREF Instrument reference number or identifier
ELRG_SIZE Size of material removed prior to test; value given indicates lowest sized material removed
ELRG_PERP Percentage of material removed
ELRG_REM Remarks
ELRG_LAB Name of testing laboratory/organization
ELRG_CRED Accrediting body and reference number (when appropriate)
ECTN_ID Container unique identifier
ECTN_TYPE Sample container type
ECTN_REM Sample container remarks
DPRB_DPTH Depth to start of dynamic probe increment
DPRB_BLOW Dynamic probe blows for increment DPRB_INC
DPRB_CBLW Cumulative blows for test
DPRB_TORQ Maximum torque required to rotate rods
DPRB_DEL Delay before increment started
DPRB_INC Dynamic probe increment
DPRB_REM Notes on events during increment
DREM_TOP Depth of remark (DREM_REM)
DREM_BASE Base depth
DREM_REM Depth related remark
DPRG_TESN Test reference
DPRG_DATE Test date
DPRG_TYPE Dynamic probe type
DPRG_METH Test method
DPRG_MASS Hammer mass
DPRG_DROP Standard drop
DPRG_CONE Cone base diameter
DPRG_ROD Rod diameter
DPRG_TANV Type of anvil
DPRG_DAMP Type of anvil damper
DPRG_TIP Depth of cone if left in ground
DPRG_REM General remarks
DPRG_ANG Cone angle
DPRG_RMSS Rod mass
DPRG_PARF Precautions against rod friction
DPRG_PDIU Pre-drilling if used
DPRG_BCF Blow count frequency
DPRG_GW Groundwater level
DPRG_REET Reasons for early end of test
DPRG_ENV Details of weather and environmental conditions during test
DPRG_CONT Name of testing organization
DPRG_CRED Accrediting body and reference number (when appropriate)
DLOG_TOP Depth to top of drillers stratum description
DLOG_BASE Depth to base of drillers stratum description
DLOG_DESC Drillers description of stratum
DLOG_REM Remarks
DOBS_TOP Depth to top of reported section
DOBS_BASE Depth to base of reported section
DOBS_SET Readings set reference
DOBS_DURN Duration to advance reported section
DOBS_STIM Date and time of start of reported section
DOBS_ETIM Date and time at end of reported section
DOBS_DHRT Drill head rotational torque
DOBS_DHRS Drill head rotational speed
DOBS_PENR Penetration rate
DOBS_HAMM Hammering used during section
DOBS_THRP Pressure of downthrust system
DOBS_RESP Pressure of restraining (holdback) system
DOBS_TORP Torque pressure
DOBS_TORQ Torque applied to top of drill rods
DOBS_THST Downward thrust on bit
DOBS_REST Restraining (holdback) force
DOBS_HAMP Supply pressure to downhole hammer
DOBS_SPEN Specific energy
DOBS_FMPO Flushing medium pressure at the output of the pump over flush zone
DOBS_FMCR Flushing medium circulation rate (input) over flush zone
DOBS_FMRR Flushing medium recovery rate over flush zone
DOBS_REM Remarks
DETL_REM Remarks
DISC_TOP Depth to top in hole, or distance to start on traverse, of discontinuity zone, or discontinuity
DISC_BASE Depth to base in hole, or distance to end on traverse, of discontinuity zone
DISC_NUMB Discontinuity reference
DISC_TYPE Type of discontinuity
DISC_DIP Dip of discontinuity
DISC_DIR Dip direction of discontinuity
DISC_RGH Small scale roughness
DISC_PLAN Medium scale roughness
DISC_WAVE Large scale roughness, wavelength
DISC_AMP Large scale roughness, amplitude
DISC_JRC Joint Roughness Coefficient
DISC_APP Surface appearance
DISC_APT Discontinuity aperture measurement
DISC_APOB Discontinuity aperture observation
DISC_INFM Infilling material
DISC_TERM Discontinuity termination (lower, upper)
DISC_PERS Persistence measurement
DISC_STR Discontinuity wall strength
DISC_WETH Discontinuity wall weathering
DISC_SEEP Seepage rating
DISC_FLOW Water flow estimate
DISC_REM Remarks
DCPT_CBLO Cumulative blows
DCPT_PEN Penetration at DCPT_CBLO
DCPT_DEL Delay before increment started
DCPT_REM Test reading remarks
DETL_TOP Depth to top of detail description
DETL_BASE Depth to base of detail description
DETL_DESC Detail description
CORE_TOP Depth to top of core run
CORE_BASE Depth to base of core run
CORE_PREC Percentage of core recovered in core run (TCR)
CORE_SREC Percentage of solid core recovered in core run (SCR)
CORE_RQD Rock Quality Designation for core run (RQD)
CORE_DIAM Core diameter
CORE_DURN Time taken to drill core run
CORE_REM Remarks
DCPG_DATE Test date
DCPG_TESN Test reference
DCPG_DPTH Depth from surface to start of test
DCPG_ZERO Zero reading
DCPG_LREM Details of surface and base layers removed prior to/during the test (if applicable)
DCPG_REM Test remarks
DCPG_ENV Details of weather and environmental conditions during test
DCPG_METH Test method
DCPG_CONT Name of testing organization
DCPG_CRED Accrediting body and reference number (when appropriate)
CTRS_TESN Test / Stage Number
CTRS_CELL Saturation cell pressure
CTRS_BPWP Saturation base porewater pressure
CTRS_MPWP Saturation mid-height porewater pressure
CTRS_MPB Saturation mid-height B value
CTRS_BB Saturation base B value
CTRS_SAT Saturation method
CTRS_FSAT Final saturation
CTRS_REM Remarks
CTRG_CRED Accrediting body and reference number (when appropriate)
CTRP_CYC Cycle number
CTRP_CYCF Cycle number of failure
CTRP_PWPM Maximum excess porewater pressure
CTRP_MNPP Minimum excess porewater pressure
CTRP_MXSS Maximum shear stress
CTRP_MNSS Minimum shear stress
CTRP_AVSS Mean shear stress
CTRP_CSS Cyclic shear stress ((Max-Min)/2)
CTRP_ACVS Average cyclic axial stress
CTRP_ASF Axial strain at failure
CTRP_FPWP Porewater pressure at failure
CTRP_QMAX Maximum deviatoric stress
CTRP_QMIN Minimum deviatoric stress
CTRP_MNES Mean effective stress at end of CTRD_CYC
CTRP_EAMX Maximum axial strain
CTRP_EAMN Minimum axial strain
CTRP_FVR Final voids ratio
CTRP_QEMX Deviatoric stress at maximum axial strain
CTRP_QEMN Deviatoric stress at minimum axial strain
CTRP_ESEC Secant modulus
CTRP_DAMP Damping ratio
CTRP_MODE Mode of failure
CTRP_DIPL Percent Difference from Programmed Load
CTRP_OBP Observed Performance (Visual)
CTRP_REM Remarks
CTRG_TYPE Type of test
CTRG_MCI Initial water/moisture content
CTRG_MCF Final water/moisture content
CTRG_H2O Description of type of water used for filter flushing, and salt content if relevant
CTRG_SBP Saturation back pressure
CTRG_SATR Initial degree of saturation after back pressure
CTRG_IRD Initial sample relative density
CTRG_SDIA Initial specimen diameter
CTRG_HIGT Initial height of specimen
CTRG_TMSS Total mass of installed specimen
CTRG_PDEN Particle density with prefix # if value assumed
CTRG_MADD Maximum density of sand
CTRG_MIDD Minimum density of sand
CTRG_DDEN Initial dry density
CTRG_BDEN Initial bulk density
CTRG_IVR Initial voids ratio
CTRG_SAT Method of saturation
CTRG_DURN Test Duration
CTRG_REM Remarks
CTRG_METH Test method
CTRG_DEV Deviations from the test method
CTRG_LAB Name of testing laboratory/organization
CTRD_TIME Date/time of reading
CTRD_COND Test conditions
CTRD_SDIA Specimen diameter
CTRD_HIGH Specimen height
CTRD_CELL Cell pressure
CTRD_BPWP Base porewater pressure
CTRD_MPWP Mid-plane porewater pressure
CTRD_EAS External axial strain
CTRD_LAS1 Local axial strain 1
CTRD_LAS2 Local axial strain 2
CTRD_VOL Volumetric strain
CTRD_RAD Radial strain
CTRD_SHSN Shear strain
CTRD_SHST Shear stress
CTRD_DEV Deviatoric stress
CTRD_PSD Principal stress difference
CTRD_MEES Mean effective stress
CTRD_SECE Secant Young's Modulus (Local)
CTRD_TANE Tangent Young's Modulus
CTRD_FREQ Loading frequency
CTRD_CSTS Cyclic amplitude
CTRD_ACVS Average cyclic axial stress
CTRD_DAVS Double amplitude axial strain
CTRD_CESR Compression/Extension stress ratio
CTRD_EMPR Excess mid-plane pore pressure ratio
CTRD_EBPR Excess base pore pressure ratio
CTRD_REM Remarks
CONS_INCN Oedometer stress increment
CONS_IVR Voids ratio at start of increment
CONS_INCF Stress at end of stress increment/decrement
CONS_INCE Voids ratio at end of stress increment
CONS_INMV Reported coefficient of volume compressibility
CONS_INSC Coefficient of secondary compression over stress increment
CONS_CVRT Coefficient of consolidation over stress increment determined by the root time method
CONS_CVLG Coefficient of consolidation over stress increment determined by the log time method
CONS_TEMP Average temperature over stress increment
CONS_REM Remarks
CTRC_TESN Test / Stage Number
CTRC_CELL Final cell pressure
CTRC_BPWP Base porewater pressure
CTRC_MPWP Mid-height porewater pressure
CTRC_MPB Mid-height B value
CTRC_BB Base B value
CTRC_TYPE Type of consolidation
CTRC_BACF Final back pressure
CTRC_ELAP Duration of test/stage number
CTRC_CHGT Specimen height at end of stage
CTRC_DIAE Specimen diameter at end of stage
CTRC_MCE Water content at end of stage
CTRC_BDE Bulk density at end of stage
CTRC_DDE Dry density at end of stage
CTRC_RDE Relative density index of sand at end of stage
CTRC_INCE Voids ratio at end of stage
CTRC_ASE Effective axial stress at end of stage
CTRC_RSE Effective radial stress at end of stage
CTRC_SSE Shear stress at end of stage
CTRC_DEVE Deviatoric stress at end of stage
CTRC_MNSE Mean effective stress at end of stage
CTRC_RTOE Ratio of radial to axial effective stress at end of stage
CTRC_EASE External axial strain at end of stage
CTRC_VLSE Volumetric strain from measured volume change at end of stage
CTRC_RDSE Radial strain from measured volume change at end of stage
CTRC_B B value
CTRC_BETS Bender element test sequence
CTRC_BEAX Bender element axis of measurement
CTRC_BEDS Distance between bender elements
CTRC_MAT Measured arrival time of propagated wave
CTRC_MATM Method of measuring arrival time of propagated wave
CTRC_SWV Calculated shear wave velocity
CTRC_SMGM Shear modulus Gmax
CTRC_REM Remarks
CONG_HIGT Test specimen height
CONG_MCI Initial water/moisture content
CONG_MCF Final water/moisture content
CONG_BDEN Initial bulk density
CONG_DDEN Initial dry density
CONG_PDEN Particle density with prefix # if value assumed
CONG_SATR Initial degree of saturation
CONG_SPRS Swelling pressure
CONG_SATH Height change of specimen on saturation, or flooding as percentage of original height (BS1377 Settlement on saturation test)
CONG_IVR Initial voids ratio
CONG_REM Remarks including commentary on effect of specimen disturbance on test result
CONG_METH Test method
CONG_LAB Name of testing laboratory/organization
CONG_CRED Accrediting body and reference number (when appropriate)
CONG_DEV Deviations from the test method
CONG_MCIS Initial water/moisture content source
CONG_CORR Results corrected for equipment deformation
CMPT_TESN Compaction point number
CMPT_MC Water/moisture content
CMPT_DDEN Dry density at CMPT_MC water/moisture content
CMPT_REM Remarks
CONG_TYPE Type of consolidation test
CONG_COND Sample condition
CONG_SDIA Test specimen diameter
CMPG_TESN Test number
CMPG_TYPE Compaction test type
CMPG_MOLD Compaction mould type
CMPG_375 Weight percent of material retained on 37.5mm sieve
CMPG_200 Weight percent of material retained on 20mm sieve
CMPG_PDEN Particle density with prefix # if value assumed
CMPG_MAXD Maximum dry density
CMPG_MCOP Water/moisture content at maximum dry density (Optimum)
CMPG_STAB Amount of stabiliser added
CMPG_STYP Type of stabiliser added
CMPG_REM Remarks including commentary on effect of specimen disturbance on test result
CMPG_METH Test method
CMPG_LAB Name of testing laboratory/organization
CMPG_CRED Accrediting body and reference number (when appropriate)
CMPG_DEV Deviation from the specified procedure
CHIS_FROM Depth at start of chiselling
CHIS_TO Depth at end of chiselling
CHIS_TIME Time taken
CHIS_STAR Start time
CHIS_TOOL Chiselling tool used
CHIS_REM Notes on chiselling
CHOC_FROM Samples despatched from
CHOC_TO Samples despatched to
CHOC_DDIS Date dispatched
CHOC_BTCH Batch reference
CHOC_REM Remarks
CHOC_CONT Number of sample containers
CBRT_TESN Test reference
CBRT_BASE CBR at bottom
CBRT_MCT Water/moisture content at top after test
CBRT_MCBT Water/moisture content at bottom after test
CBRT_IMC Initial water/moisture content
CBRT_BDEN Initial bulk density
CBRT_DDEN Initial Dry density
CBRT_SURC Surcharge pressure applied
CBRT_SKDT Details of soaking
CBRT_SWEL Amount of swell recorded during soaking (if applicable)
CBRT_REM Test specific remarks
CDIA_DPTH Depth of base of casing recorded in CDIA_DIAM
CDIA_DIAM Casing diameter
CDIA_REM Remarks
CBRG_COND Sample condition
CBRG_NMC Natural water/moisture content of specimen prior to test
CBRG_200 Weight percent retained on 20mm sieve
CBRG_STAB Amount of stabiliser added
CBRG_STYP Type of stabiliser added
CBRG_REM Remarks including commentary on effect of specimen disturbance on test result
CBRG_METH Test method including remoulding
CBRG_LAB Name of testing laboratory/organization
CBRG_CRED Accrediting body and reference number (when appropriate)
CBRG_DEV Deviation from the specified procedure
BKFL_TOP Depth to top of section
BKFL_BASE Depth to base of section
BKFL_DESC Backfill description
BKFL_LEG Backfill legend abbreviation
BKFL_DATE Date of completion of backfill
BKFL_REM Backfill remarks including how it was placed
ASNS_SOUN Aggregate soundness test
ASNS_FRAC Size fraction from which test portion was obtained
ASNS_REM Remarks
ASNS_METH Test method
ASNS_LAB Name of testing laboratory/organization
ASNS_CRED Accrediting body and reference number (when appropriate)
ASNS_DEV Deviation from the specified procedure
AWAD_WTAB Aggregate water absorption
AWAD_REM Remarks
AWAD_METH Test method
AWAD_LAB Name of testing laboratory/organization
AWAD_CRED Accrediting body and reference number (when appropriate)
AWAD_DEV Deviation from the specified procedure
ASDI_SDI1 First cycle slake durability index (if ASDI_SDI1 or ASDI_SDI2 is between 0% and 10%)
ASDI_SDI2 Second cycle slake durability index
ASDI_SOLN Nature and temperature of slaking fluid
ASDI_INDR Appearance of fragments retained in the drum
ASDI_PADR Appearance of fragments passing through the drum
ASDI_REM Remarks
ASDI_METH Test method
ASDI_LAB Name of testing laboratory/organization
ASDI_CRED Accrediting body and reference number (when appropriate)
ASDI_DEV Deviation from the specified procedure
ARTW_FRAC Size fraction on which sample obtained
ARTW_TYPE Type of test
ARTW_MD1 Micro-Deval coefficient for test specimen one
ARTW_MD2 Micro-Deval coefficient for test specimen two
ARTW_MDE Mean micro-Deval value (dry)
ARTW_MDS Mean micro-Deval value (wet)
ARTW_DATE Date control 2 polished stone value first run
ARTW_REM Remarks
ARTW_METH Test method
ARTW_LAB Name of testing laboratory/organization
ARTW_CRED Accrediting body and reference number (when appropriate)
ARTW_DEV Deviation from the specified procedure
APSV_AAV Aggregate polished stone value
APSV_REM Remarks
APSV_METH Test method
APSV_LAB Name of testing laboratory/organization
APSV_CRED Accrediting body and reference number (when appropriate)
APSV_DEV Deviation from the specified procedure
AIVT_PDEN Particle density of size fraction between 8 mm and 12.5mm
AIVT_REM Remarks
AIVT_METH Test method
AIVT_LAB Name of testing laboratory/organization
AIVT_CRED Accrediting body and reference number (when appropriate)
AIVT_DEV Deviation from the specified procedure
ALOS_LOSA Los Angeles coefficient
ALOS_LOPW Los Angeles percentage wear
ALOS_LOWR Los Angeles wear ratio
ALOS_FRAC Size fraction from which test portion was obtained
ALOS_CHAR Ball load or charge grading
ALOS_REM Remarks
ALOS_METH Test method
ALOS_LAB Name of testing laboratory/organization
ALOS_CRED Accrediting body and reference number (when appropriate)
ALOS_DEV Deviation from the specified procedure
AIVT_AIV1 Aggregate impact value test 1
AIVT_AIV2 Aggregate impact value test 2
AIVT_AIV Mean aggregate impact value
AIVT_FRAC Size fraction from which test portion was obtained